Page 23 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term Four
P. 23
5. Fine motor skills: ‘Chop, Chop’ (traditional)
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
Perform the rhyme using the actions shown in the video
NB: The ‘Chop, Chop’ activity used in the Lucy Sparkles & Friends dance plans is different to the ones used in the drama and music plans.
a) “We’re going to make a healthy fruit salad for breakfast! First we need a giant bowl.” Mime taking out a giant bowl and the children should naturally copy you. Ask a volunteer to suggest a fruit to add.
b) “Nowweneedtochopupthefruit!”Makeyourrighthandthechoppingboard(flat palm facing up). Mime placing the suggested fruit on top of the chopping board. Then with your left hand, make scissors (pointer and middle finger scissor action). On the first, second and fourth lines of the rhyme, use your scissors to chop the fruit to the pulse. On the third line (‘What we have left...’), brush the chopped-up fruit into the bowl to the pulse. During the final section (‘Stir it round...’), make a stirring action to the pulse. Have a taste. “This tastes delicious but we need more fruit to make it a fruit salad!”
c) Choose another child to suggest a fruit and then repeat the rhyme, using your left hand as the chopping board and your right hand as the scissors.
d) Repeat activities b and c.
e) End by saying “the fruit salad is now ready! Let’s eat it up.” Mime eating the fruit
salad. “Mmm delicious!”
Chop, chop, choppity chop.
Chop off the bottom and chop off the top. What we have left we will put in the pot. Chop, chop, choppity chop.
Stir it round, stir it round,
Tell me what you have found. * Running time approx. 2 mins.
6. Choreographed dance: ‘Wah Hoo Hey, I'm Combing My Hair Today’ performed by The Wiggles
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
Teach the children the tricky moves first, then play the track and perform the dance all together, using the choreography from the video.
NB: If you have extra time at the end of this lesson you can also perform the choreographed dance ‘Getting Dressed’ by Wayne Potash (a very short and simple dance) as shown in the video.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
7. Action song: ‘Mr Clicketty Cane’ written by Peter Combe
Click activity name to open YouTube video link.
“I have a very silly friend called Mr Clicketty Cane and he likes to get ready for the day in very silly ways. Let’s see if you can copy me.” Perform the song as in the video. When it’s the childrens’ turn to sing, make sure you sing with them, as call and response is tricky at this age.
Wash your face in orange juice (wash your face in orange juice). Clean your teeth with bubble gum (clean your teeth with bubble gum). Brush your hair with a toothbrush (Brush your hair with a toothbrush).
One, two, three,
When Mr Clicketty Cane, plays a silly game, All the kids in the street,
They like to do the same.
Wash your face in orange juice (wash your face in orange juice).
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