Page 8 - Pre-school Dance Plans Term Four
P. 8
8. Working with Props: ‘At the Beach’ (tune of ‘The Wheels on the Bus’, traditional)
Get the children into a circle. Sing the song as you move the “imaginary” parachute as indicated below. Make sure you lift the “imaginary” parachute up on ‘up’, down on ‘down’, in on ‘in’ and out on ‘out’.
The waves in the ocean go up and down, (move parachute up and down to the pulse) Up and down, up and down. (as above)
The waves in the ocean go up and down, (as above)
At the beach. (as above)
The crabs on the shore go side to side... (move parachute side to side to the pulse) The tide of the sea goes in and out... (move parachute in and out to the pulse) The wind at seaside goes whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... (shake the parachute)
Repeat using the real parachute. Next, take out your soft fish toy and place it on top of the parachute. Repeat two more times with the soft fish toy on top and encourage the children to join in with the singing. If there is time, remove the soft fish toy and ask an adult to sit opposite you and hold onto the parachute so that all the children can hide under as you sing the song and perform the actions a final time.
*Running time approx. 5 mins.
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles See term four lesson one.
* Running time approx. 3 mins.
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