Page 5 - Princess online
P. 5

“Everyone knows that princesses must be excellent at twirling.”
The princesses are twirling, the princesses are twirling, the princesses are twirling, in the princess class.
“Also, princesses must be very good at riding horses.”
The princesses are riding...
“And every princess must know how to dance at the Royal Ball.”
The princesses are dancing... The princesses are sleeping... The princesses are waking...
“Now I’m going to chase you and see how many students I can catch!” Chase the children as you sing the final verse.
Name of princess you are dressed as is chasing...
Ask the birthday boy/girl if they would like to be the next Aurora/Elsa/Rapunzel/Cinderella/Anna. If they say no, choose someone with their hand up who managed to escape you. Remind the next Aurora/Elsa/Rapunzel/Cinderella/Anna that when you sing “Aurora/Elsa/Rapunzel/Cinderella/Anna is chasing” they must catch as many students as possible. Repeat and then choose a child who “managed to escape” to be the next Aurora/Elsa/Rapunzel/Cinderella/Anna (otherwise they’ll all just be caught on purpose). Repeat as many times as necessary (for example if there is no pass the parcel and/or not many children you may get through the activities quickly and so extend this one, or if you are running behind you could perform the activity just two or three times).
11. PASS THE PARCEL: ‘A Whole New World’ performed by Brad Kane and Lea Salonga (if requested)
Make it clear to the children before you play the game that “everybody gets a turn.” Play the track and the children pass the parcel around in a circle. When you pause the music, the child holding the parcel opens a layer and keeps the gift inside. Use a remote control to pause the music so you can help the younger children pass the parcel and open it when it is their turn. The children can eat their treat, put it in their pocket or give it to an adult to mind so that it does not distract them from the rest of the party.
12. ACTIONGAME:‘Princesses’
Princesses = pull a muscle pose as you say “I’m strong and brave!”
Dragon = say “roarrrrr” with scary hands
Castle = stand up straight, put arms above head, put fingertips together and sing “there is a castle on a cloud”
Handsome Prince = move one arm like a sword as you say “I’m coming to the rescue!”
Fairy godmother = wave magic wand as you sing “bibbidi bobbidi boo”
a) “To be like real princesses you have to be very clever so now we’re going to play a game to see how strong and clever your brains are today. Every time I say ‘princesses’ you have to remember to say, ‘I’m strong and brave’.” Demonstrate the action listed above as you say the words. Then, you say ‘princesses’ and the children pull a muscle pose as they say ‘I’m strong and brave’. Practice several times.
b) One by one add in the rest of the characters listed above. Make sure to mix up the order in which you are saying the character names as you teach the game.
c) At first, do all the actions and sounds with the children.
d) When they have got the hang of it, you tell them you are now watching to see if they can
be really clever and remember all of the sounds and actions without your help.
e) Lots of energy!
13. CHOREOGRAPHEDDANCETWO:‘LetItGo’performedbyIdinaMenzel Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
  © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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