Page 26 - Term 4 preschool music song book for nurseries and parents
P. 26

We're gonna shake, shake, shake our sillies out, Shake, shake, shake our sillies out, Shake, shake, shake our sillies out, Wibble our wobbles away!
We're gonna nod, nod, nod our noddies out, Nod, nod, nod our noddies out,
Nod, nod, nod our noddies out, Wibble our wobbles away!
Composer: Raffi Cavoukian Musical aims:
To feel pulse through actions
To move in time with slow and medium tempos
To sing along with a live instrument
We're gonna clap, clap, clap our crazies out etc. We're gonna jump, jump, jump our jiggles out etc.
(slowly) We're gonna stretch, yawn, stretch and yawn again etc.
(back to normal tempo) We're gonna shake, shake, shake our sillies out etc
Shake Your Sillies Out
   PD (MH)
To develop coordination and control through moving their bodies in several different ways
To move to a regular beat
CL (U) & L (R)
To understand the meaning of words through actions
PD (MH) & M (SSM)
To encourage body tension activities including stretching and curling
M (N) & EAD (MM)
To join in clapping along to simple rhythms
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
       ©2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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