Page 4 - Rainbows and Unicorns 2 hour
P. 4

d) “I am going to turn into the Naughty Leprechaun every time the music stops.”
e) Give each child a magical coloured shaker.
f) Play ‘Shake It Off’ and the children gallop around the room and shake their coloured
g) Pause the music and pretend to be the Naughty Leprechaun. The children freeze. You
get grumpy because they’ve managed to escape you. “I’ll get you next time!” Try to be
as silly as you can to make the children laugh.
h) Repeat several times until you confess that the unicorns have beaten you and delivered
their magical coloured shakers to the rainbow. You cry and say “I want my mummy!”
i) Walk away and when you turn back you are no longer the Naughty Leprechaun. Tell the children that you’ve turned back into Fairy Unicorn, congratulate them and tell them
you will give them their Haribo prize before you go home.
9. ACTION SONG OR POEM: ‘If You Can See Red’ (tune of ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’, traditional)
“Now that we’ve delivered all the colours to this beautiful rainbow, I’d like to see which colours we have here.” Walk around the room until you find something red. Point to it and ask the children, “What colour is this?” Sing the first verse, performing the indicated action twice (once for each rest).
If you can see red, nod your head (nod, nod), If you can see red, nod your head (nod, nod), If you can see red, if you can see red,
If you can see red, nod your head (nod, nod).
Repeat the exercise for each of the following verses.
If you can see blue, tap you shoe (tap, tap)...
If you can see black, pat your back (pat, pat)...
If you can see green, bow like the Queen (bow, bow)... If you can see brown, spin around (spin, spin)...
If you can see yellow, shake like jello (wobble, wobble)...
For the final verse sing:
If you know it’s Child’s Name’s party shout hooray! (throw arms up in the air and jump as you shout “Hooray!”)
If you know it’s Child’s Name’s party shout hooray! (throw arms up in the air and jump as you shout “Hooray!”)
If you know it’s Child’s Name’s party, if you know it’s Child’s Name’s party,
If you know it’s Child’s Name’s party shout hooray! (throw arms up in the air and jump as you shout “Hooray!”)
Ask the children if they know a game called ‘Grandma’s Footsteps’. Tell them they’re going to play a game just like it called ‘Fairy Unicorn’s Footsteps’. Tell them to stand in a line against the wall at the back of the room. You stand roughly five meters in front of them and place the unicorn soft toy on the floor just in front of you. Tell the children that if one of them can take the unicorn soft toy while you’re not looking then they will all have beaten you to become the winners! When you turn your back the children must walk towards you in slow motion (demonstrate walking in slow motion as you say this) as quietly as they can but when you turn to face them they must freeze! If you see them moving they must go back to the wall and start again. The game ends when one of the children manages to take the unicorn soft toy whilst your back is turned. When you face the children and see that it has been taken, give them all a round of applause and congratulate them all on beating you. It’s important that they feel like it’s you against all of them (and not them playing against each other). You can play the game as many or as few times as required by your party timings.
NB: Don’t worry if the children start laughing/cheat- they always do!
© 2018 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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