Page 9 - Pre-school dance plans term one- ELC parent copy
P. 9

To transfer weight from one leg to another
Motor Skills
To practise gross motor skills including swaying, bending, pointing and turning
To move in time with the pulse
8. Working with Props: ‘Penny in the Water’ (adapted from the traditional ‘Penny on the Water’)
Penny in the water, Penny in the sea.
Up jumps a little fish, And up jumps she/he. Whee!
PSED (MR), (SC/SA) & (F/B)
To take turns hiding under the parachute and jumping up
PSED (MR), CL (LA) & UW (PC)
To play a game that involves learning each other’s names
To work cooperatively, make good eye contact and move in sync with each other and the parachute
To develop fine motor skills through gripping onto the parachute, gross motor manipulative skills through moving it as instructed and locomotor skills through jumping up
CL (LA) & (S)
To develop listening, attention and speech through singing
To develop listening and attention through the use of props (parachute and fish toy) and playfulness (including a peek-a-boo)
CL (U) & PSED (F/B)
To understand the rules, stages and sequences of a complex game
M (SSM), L (R) & CL (LA) & (S)
To pre-empt and join in with the lyrics which follow a repetitive structure/pattern
To move the parachute in time with the pulse
Dance aims
Control & Strength and Fitness
To develop control and leg strength through jumping
Control & Musicality
To work together to move the parachute from side to side to the pulse and lift it up on “Whee!”
Motor Skills
To practise fine motor skills through gripping onto the parachute, gross motor manipulative skills through moving it as instructed and locomotor skills through jumping
Spatial Awareness
To observe the parachute and move placement of own body in the room to keep it taught and in a circular form
9. Warm-down and give out magic sparkles
                   © 2019 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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