Page 19 - Term One Song Bank
P. 19
Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term One Song Bank Pulse activities
Activities for Babies
Activities for Toddlers
Activities for Pre-schoolers
Starting pitch
Down the Road
Down the road,
Down the road. Everybody walk together, Down the road.
Alternate verses for babies at ELCs/Pre- schools:
Side to side, side to side.
Everybody move together,
Side to side.
Up and down, up and down, Everybody move together, Up and down.
Activities for public classes with parents/carers
Same as activities one to three for pre-schoolers only the adults are holding their children and so the adults must respond to the instructions.
Activities for ELCs and pre- schools
1. Adults and older babies hold onto the edges of the parachute and move it from side to side to the pulse as they sing the first verse.
2. Vary the dynamics using “fairy” (quiet) and “giant” (loud) voices.
3. Vary the tempo by moving quickly “like cheetahs” and “slowly like snails”
4. Sing the 'up and down' lyrics and move the parachute up and down to the pulse. Repeat with some of the babies sitting under the parachute.
Activities for toddlers are the same as activities one to three for pre- schoolers, only adults in the room help the younger toddlers by holding their hands as they walk.
Try doing these activities first but if you have lots of younger toddlers, and after two sessions with this song the adults aren't being helpful enough to make the activity work, you can do activities for babies in an ELC/Pre-school instead.
1. Teach the song sitting and patting alternate thighs to the beat as you sing. Once the group is familiar with the song, sing 'stand up' and begin to walk around in a circle to the pulse. The circle does not have to be perfect. Just encourage a consistent direction and flow of movement. You play the beat on your hand drum as the children walk.
2. Lightly creep to pulse and use “fairy” (quiet) voices. March loudly and use “giant” (loud) voices.
3. Move quickly “like cheetahs” and slowly “like snails”.
4. Keep a steady beat marching on the spot. Sing 'On the spot, on the spot. Everybody walk together...' Alternate between singing the original verse and the ‘on the spot’ verse. The children must remember to alter their movements accordingly.
5. Sing 'Let's Make a Circle' and 'sit down' to get the children ready for the next activity.
hand drum & parachute
Grand Old Duke of York
Oh the Grand Old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men.
He marched them up to the top of the hill, And he marched them down again.
And when they were up they were up,
And when they were down they were down, And when they were only half way up, They were neither up nor down.
1. Adults hold the edges of the parachute. The babies can hold onto the edges of the parachute or they can sit underneath it. Move the parachute side to side to the pulse and move it up and down according to the lyrics.
Same as for babies
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