Page 20 - Term One Song Bank
P. 20
Hey, Hey, Look at Me
Hey, hey, look at me.
I am clapping, can you see?
Other verse ideas:
... I am waving/tapping/ jumping/blinking/nodding, can you see?
1. Choose an action then sing the song (altering the lyrics accordingly) and do the action to the pulse on your own. The children copy your singing and action immediately afterwards without your help (like an echo). Repeat several times choosing a new action each time.
2. As above, only you choose volunteers to be the “leader” and the leader chooses the action and new word instead of you. If there are 15 or less children then make sure everyone gets a turn. Otherwise choose a few volunteers who have been listening well.
See Saw Up and Down
See saw up and down,
In the air and on the ground.
1. Adults gently rock younger babies to the pulse. Older babies do 'row, row' actions (holding hands and swaying back and forth) facing towards or away from their parent. If you are in an ELC/Pre-school, you and other adults take turns doing this with different children.
2. Sing the song for the babies, holding your small teddy in the air and moving him/her up and down according to pulse and pitch. Everyone holds the imaginary parachute and moves it up and down in time with the pulse and according to the pitch (up on 'See' and down on 'Saw'). Repeat with real parachute. Repeat with teddy on top.
1. The toddlers are in pairs, facing each other, holding hands and moving back and forth to the pulse ('Row, Row' actions).
2. Same as for babies
1. Tell the children that you are going to make small, medium and large see saws. For small see saws the children 'stand up' to find a good space in the room. They stretch their arms out to the side and rock from left to right and back again in time with the pulse, so that their arms look like a see saw.
2. For medium see saws, the children do as in the previous activity only they face a partner and hold hands so that they are rocking side to side together. Choose one pair who have been moving in time together and ask them to stand on their own and demonstrate for the rest of the class.
3. For large see saws the activity is the same as for babies' activity two. Sing 'sit down'. Explain to the children that their hands go up when it is the higher pitch and down when it is the lower pitch.
4. "Let's show the pitch with our whole bodies." Stretch up high for 'see' and crouch down low for 'saw' etc. Ask volunteers to suggest different ways to show the pitch (e.g. tapping heads then shoulders).
parachute & small teddy
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