Page 6 - Princesses & Knights 2 hour
P. 6

‘Simon Says’ called ‘Princess Says’! If you say “PRINCESS SAYS touch your toes” then they must copy you and touch their toes, but if you don't say “PRINCESS SAYS” and simply say “touch your toes” then they must remain still! Start with some easy instructions like: “PRINCESS SAYS touch your toes/spin around/hug a friend/jump/clap” and remove the “PRINCESS SAYS” whenever you see fit! Then move onto some princess and knight themed actions, such as curtsey/make a tiara/read a book like Belle/roar like a dragon/draw your sword etc. You may need to demonstrate the princess and knight actions before including them in the game.
15. CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE TWO: ‘Let It Go’ performed by Idina Menzel Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“Put your hand up if you can tell me which magic power Queen Elsa has... I’m going to give everyone a magic scarf to give us ice powers just like Elsa. When we swish our scarves things turn to ice.” Hand each child a coloured scarf and practice the tricky moves (including the bridge for 5- 6s).
During the bridge where Elsa builds the ice castle, 3 - 4s should all pretend to be Elsa and do the freezing and melting as in the video. Children aged 5-6 perform the following choreography. The birthday girl is Elsa in the middle. The other children go into the four corners of the room and wait (the children will probably need to practice dancing in the middle then finding their corner several times). You stay with 'Elsa' in the middle. The children in the four corners dance. You and Elsa say “freeze” as you swish your scarves towards the first corner and the children in that corner freeze. Repeat for the other three corners. The first corner will be during the lyrics “my power flurries through the”. The next corner is “air into the ground”. The next corner is “my soul is spiralling in”. And the final corner is “frozen fractals all around”. Then go to each corner at double speed for the remaining lyrics to 'melt' the children so they dance again.
Play the track and perform the dance as in the video.
16. CHASING GAME*: ‘Catch the Princesses and Knights!’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Tiny Tim’)
Put on your posh teacher voice. “And now you’re going to have a short princesses and knights lesson. I am the teacher and you are my students. Follow me.” Sing the song acapella and perform the actions as indicated by the lyrics.
“All knights must know how to ride a horse!”
The brave knights are riding, the brave knights are riding, the brave knights are riding, in the brave knight class.
“All princesses must know how to twirl!”
The princesses are twirling, the princesses are twirling, the princesses are twirling, in the princess class.
“Princesses and knights must know how to dance so they can attend royal balls.”
The princesses and knights are dancing, the princesses and knights are dancing, the princesses and knights are dancing, in the princess and knight class.
The princesses and knights are sleeping... The princesses and knights are waking...
“Now I’m going to be the scary dragon and see how many princesses and knights I can catch!” Chase the children as you sing the final verse.
The dragon is chasing...
Ask the birthday boy/girl if they would like to be the next dragon. If they say no, choose someone with their hand up who managed to escape you. Remind the next dragon that when you sing “The dragon is chasing” they must catch as many princesses and knights as possible. Repeat and then choose a child who “managed to escape” to be the next dragon (otherwise they’ll all just be caught on purpose). Repeat as many times as necessary (for example if there is no pass the parcel and/or
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