Page 3 - Out at Sea 2 hour
P. 3

(you may need to give some more suggestions)
Child: (spoken) We should wish for a pirate ship. (the child invents their own wish) You: (spoken) Now, let’s all say “One, two, three abracadabra” to wish for a pirate ship! All (spoken): One, two three, abracadabra! (the children wave their imaginary wands)
Repeat several times as above, except for at the end of each verse when you ask the children to put their hand up if they would like to make a wish. You then sing “What should we wish for?” to a child that has their hand up. If you have more than ten children, you could try asking a few children at a time (at the end of each verse before saying “one, two, three abracadabra”) to speed up the activity. If you have more than 20 children you can ask everyone that hasn’t had a turn to shout their suggestion at once.
6. CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE ONE: ‘No Ordinary Girl’ written by Shelley Rosenberg and performed by Indiana Evans
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“It’s time to learn our special mermaid dance.” Go through the tricky moves then play the track and perform the dance as in the video.
7. PARACHUTE ACTIVITY WITH TOY/S ON TOP: ‘This is the Way We Make the Waves’ (tune of the traditional ‘Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush’)
Everyone is sitting in a circle. “Can you guess who is hiding in my sparkly magic bag? I’ll give you a clue.” Make ‘fish lips’ with your mouth. Reveal your Nemo toy. “That’s right, it’s Nemo! Who can tell me where Nemo lives? That’s right, Nemo lives with the mermaids in the ocean! Now we’re going to turn the parachute into the ocean and make some waves! But first we need to make some waves with the imaginary parachute.” Sing through the song and mime making waves with the parachute. Actions are as indicated by the lyrics (e.g. small movements for “small waves” and big movements for “big waves”). Try to move slowly and in time with the pulse for “up and down” so it’s slightly different to the first verse, which is a bit more chaotic. Keep still for the sea is calm and lift your arms up high in the air for “Whoosh!”.
This is the way we make the waves, Make the waves, make the waves. This is the way we make the waves, When we’re in the ocean.
This is the way we up and down, Up and down, up and down. This is the way we up and down, When we’re in the ocean.
(sing softly) This is the way we make small waves... (sing loudly) This is the way we make big waves...
This is the way the sea is calm...
One, two, three, whoosh!
“Well done everyone, now it’s time to bring out the real parachute! And if we join in really well then it will be Nemo’s turn to go for a swim in the ocean!” The children hold the edges of the real parachute as you sing the song again and do the relevant actions.
Once you have been through the song with the parachute, place Nemo on top and repeat the song to make him jump high out of the water at the end. Tell the children that Nemo is lonely and so place up to nine other soft toys on top and repeat.
©2017 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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