Page 4 - Out at Sea 2 hour
P. 4

8. MUSICAL STATUES: ‘Shake It Off’ performed by Taylor Swift
a) Ask the children if they know the game Musical Statues. Tell them that they’re going to play a
game a little bit like Musical Statues and that if they can beat you to win, you will give them
all a Haribo treat.
b) Explain that they are going to be pirates and mermaids and you are going to give them each
some musical treasure (an egg shaker).
c) When the music plays they must march their musical treasures to the treasure chest
(demonstrate marching as you tell them). When the music stops, the children must freeze and be really still and quiet (demonstrate freezing) so the evil sea witch doesn’t hear them and steal their treasures. “If everyone is really quiet and still when the music stops, you will all win a Haribo treat.”
d) “I am going to turn into the evil sea witch every time the music stops.”
e) Give each child a musical treasure.
f) Play ‘Shake It Off’ and the children march around the room and shake their musical treasures.
g) Pause the music and pretend to be the evil sea witch. The children freeze. You get grumpy
because they’ve managed to escape you. “I’ll get you next time!” Try to be as silly as you can
to make the children laugh.
h) Repeat several times until you confess that the mermaids and pirates have beaten you and
delivered their musical treasures to the treasure chest. You cry and say “I want my mummy!”
i) Walk away and when you turn back you are no longer the evil sea witch. Tell the children that you’ve turned back into a mermaid/pirate, congratulate them and tell them you will give
them their Haribo prize before you go home.
9. ACTION SONG OR POEM: ‘Sleeping Mermaids and Pirates’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Sleeping Bunnies’)
“Who knows the sleeping bunnies song (the children will already know the song and how to play the game)? Well I’m going to teach you how mermaids and pirates play ‘Sleeping Bunnies’. We’re all going to go to sleep and when we wake up, we are going to be mermaids jumping out of the water.”
See the mermaids sleeping, (the children lie down, pretending to sleep)
Till it's nearly noon.
Shall we wake them,
With a merry tune?
They're so still. Are they ill? "Wake up little mermaids!” (the children wake up)
Jump little mermaids, jump, jump, jump, (the children jump around the room) Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
Jump little mermaids, jump, jump, jump,
Jump, jump, jump. X 2
“Let’s all go back to sleep and this time we will be pirates. When we wake up, we will dig for treasure.”
See the pirates sleeping, (the children lie down, pretending to sleep)
Till it's nearly noon.
Shall we wake them,
With a merry tune?
They're so still. Are they ill? "Wake up little pirates! It’s time to dig for treasure"! (the children wake up)
Dig little pirates, dig, dig, dig, (digging actions to the pulse) Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig.
Dig little pirates, dig, dig, dig,
Dig, dig, dig. X 2
If you need to perform the actions to encourage the children then please do so. Otherwise, you should clap along as you sing the chorus to help maintain energy (or play your melodic instrument if you have one). Repeat several times, using the children’s suggestions for actions. E.g. “Walk the plank, walk the plank,” and “Swim little mermaids, swim, swim, swim.”
© 2018 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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