Page 6 - Out at Sea 2 hour
P. 6

Set Two (45 mins)
13. PASS THE PARCEL: ‘Part of Your World’ written by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman and performed by Jodi Benson (if requested)
Make it clear to the children before you play the game that “everybody gets a turn.” Play the track and the children pass the parcel around in a circle. When you pause the music, the child holding the parcel opens a layer and keeps the gift inside. Use a remote control to pause the music so you can help the younger children pass the parcel and open it when it is their turn. The children can eat their treat, put it in their pocket or give it to an adult to mind so that it does not distract them from the rest of the party. NB: Make sure to check the party entertainer guidelines for instructions on making the parcel and for maximum spending amounts.
14. Mermaid SAYS*
Tell the children you hope they haven’t forgotten how to be mermaids and pirates whilst eating all that delicious tea! Tell them that you are going to test them again by playing a game a bit like ‘Simon Says’ called ‘Mermaid Says’! If you say “MERMAID SAYS touch your toes” then they must copy you and touch their toes, but if you don't say “MERMAID SAYS” and simply say “touch your toes” then they must remain still! Start with some easy instructions like: “MERMAID SAYS touch your toes/spin around/hug a friend/jump/clap” and remove the “MERMAID SAYS” whenever you see fit! Then move onto some ‘Out at Sea’ themed actions, such hide in a sea shell/make a whirlpool/flap your tails/salute the captain/scrub the deck/say “Yarrr me hearties” etc. You may need to demonstrate the ‘Out at Sea’ actions before including them in the game.
15. CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE TWO: ‘Hey, Hey, Hey We’re All Pirate Dancing’ performed by The Wiggles
Click on song name to open the video in YouTube.
“It’s time for you to learn how to dance like a pirate.” Give each child a pirate scarf (coloured scarf) to wear. Encourage any adults present to help you assist children that need help in tying the scarves around their necks. The scarf should be folded in half to make a triangle and then tied around the child’s neck with just one knot so it can be easily taken off to dance with at the end of the song. Play the track and perform the dance as in the video.
16. CHASING GAME*: ‘Catch the Mermaids and Pirates!’ (sung to the traditional tune of ‘Tiny Tim’)
“And now you’re going to have a short mermaid and pirate lesson. I am the teacher and you are my students. Follow me.” Sing the song acapella and perform the actions as indicated by the lyrics. You could pretend to hold a microphone for the ‘singing’ verse’
“Every pirate must know how to scrub the deck.”
The pirates are scrubbing, the pirates are scrubbing, the pirates are scrubbing, in the pirate class.
“Every mermaid must know how to swim.”
The mermaids are swimming, the mermaids are swimming, the mermaids are swimming, in the mermaid class.
“Real pirates and mermaids must know how to sing.”
The mermaids and pirates are singing, the mermaids and pirates are singing, the mermaids and pirates are singing, in the mermaid and pirate class.
The mermaids and pirates are sleeping... The mermaids and pirates are waking...
“Now I’m going to be the evil sea witch and see how many mermaids and pirates I can catch!” Chase the children as you sing the final verse.
The sea witch is chasing...
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