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Javadzadeh et. al                                    Approach to orofacial granulomatosis and review . . .

               evaluation. Therefore, this term is not clinically  Crohn’s disease, sarcoidosis, etc. Recently, ga-
               relevant [16].                                  strointestinal  involvement  in non-endemic re-
               Mucosal swellings:  Buccal and  labial  mucosae  gions such as southern Europe, Asia and devel-
               may be swollen producing plications with a cob-  oping countries is increasing. There is a possibil-
               blestone appearance that often involves posterior  ity that the prevalence of orofacial granulomato-
               parts of buccal mucosa [17,18]                  sis which  has  a slight predilection to appear in
               Mucosal tags: These painless tags of mucosa  women increases  and manifest  primarily in
               which are often produced at the depth of labial  children and young adults [9,12,19,22].
               or buccal vestibule, retromolar  area  or  around   Etiology and pathogenesis: The exact cause of the
               chronic ulcerations are orange or red in  color  orofacial granulomatosis  is  currently unknown
               [17,18]                                         and has been a matter of debate for  long.  Five
               Gingival overgrowths: Overgrowths of the free or  etiologic factors can be attributed to the orofacial
               attached  gingiva can occur  locally or diffusely.  granulomatosis [23-27]:
               They can precede facial  or mucosal manifesta-  Genetic predisposition
               tions. The gingiva appears granular with normal  Food allergy
               pink to red in color and rarely ulcerated [19].   Allergy to dental materials
               Fissured tongue                                 Infection
               The dorsal surface of the tongue may be fissured  Immunologic causes
               [18]                                            Genetic predisposition: A  comprehensive  review
               Facial nerve palsy:  Paralysis of the facial motor   of the literature does not show evidence to sup-
               nerve  may occur rarely in  orofacial granulomatosis.   port genetic causes for orofacial granulomatosis.
               This condition can also occur as a result of formation   In a  study  genetic  factors contributed in  only
               of granuloma within the  nerve trunk.  Facial  nerve   23% of cases and in another study in 6 out of 42
               palsy accompanied with fissured tongue  and  labial   cases [28] Also, it was reported in a study that
               swelling is indicative of Melkersson-Rosenthal Syn-  10% of normal population could have orofacial
               drome [11-20]                                   granulomatosis, an  issue that  underscored the
               Facial erythema and  swelling:  Recurrent facial  role of genetic factors  [29].  Association  of
               swelling may occur  especially  in  genial, zygo-  orofacial granulomatosis with HLA has also
               matic, peri-orbital and palpebral areas of the face  been studied, but  authors failed  to  establish  a
               and can be unaccompanied with hypertrophy of  strong correlation between HLA and pathogene-
               the  lips in  rare occasions. These swellings are  sis of orofacial granulomatosis [30,31]. Only one
               non-pitting on  pressure  and usually are firm  in  study reported  a significant interrelationship
               palpation with an erythematous surface [17].    with HLA and orofacial granulomatosis [31].
               Cervical lymphadenopathy: Patients with severe   Food allergy: Orofacial granulomatosis can occur
               orofacial granulomatosis can have cervical lym-  because of several nutritional additives and ma-
               phadenopathy that can  be localized or genera-  terials.  Antigenic stimulants that cause delayed
               lized,  tender or  non-tender with  variable sizes  hypersensitivity reactions have  been  associated
               and usually a rubbery consistency [21].         with more  than 60%  of  patients with orofacial
               Epidemiology: Orofacial granulomatosis has been  granulomatosis. It has been declared in several
               defined for 90 years as a chronic persistent swel-  studies  that different daily  nutrients such as
               ling of the lip(s) with or without facial swelling  chocolates, carmosine, eggs, peanuts, cinnamon,
               and/or  with oral  and gingival mucosal  enlarge-  toothpastes, monosodium  glutamate, alpha-
               ment without any evidence of  involvement  in  lactobumin, benzoic acid, and cocoa were initia-
               other parts of the body. Occasionally involve-  tors of  clinical  manifestations  in patients with
               ment of other organs has led to the diagnosis of  orofacial granulomatosis [23-26,33-27]

               Summer 2012; Vol. 24, No. 3                                                               113
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