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Laser Application in Periodontics

                                 Archive of SID

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            Figure 1. Use of co  Laser Therapy for Treatment of oral Leukoplakia; before and after ablation
            others provide a surface ablation. CO , Er: YAG,   There have been conflicting opinions about the
            and Er, Cr: YSGG laser radiation primarily affects   quality of wound healing after laser periodontal
            superficial layers of the tissues and hence are    surgeries. Some find it faster with little or no
            advantageous, since the risk of damage to the      scar, while others believe lasers impede normal
            underlying tissues are minimized. However, deeply   wound healing by producing vaster area of
            penetrating  Nd: YAG  and  diode  lasers  produce   necrosis. Recently it has been shown that low-level
            thicker  coagulation areas on radiated  surfaces   laser therapy using gallium, aluminium arsenide
            (16,21,23), have a greater heat production ability   GaAIAs radiation, influences periodontal ligaments
            and hence are used similar to electrosurgical      fibroblasts positively, and as a result has a beneficial
            procedures (21). Finkbeiner has suggested the      effect on periodontal wound healing (25).
            application of argon laser in soft tissue welding and   Figures 2 and 3 show two cases of gingival
            soldering compared to traditional wound closure    wart and excisional biopsy of an exophytic lesion
            means, such as sutures and tissue adhesives (24).   in hard palate

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            Figure 2. Gingival wart; before and after ablation by co  laser

            Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences  Volume 3  Number 1  Winter 2012     
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