Page 7 - SFS Brochure 2022
P. 7

1. Lighter

                                                                             A   lighter  structure   may    mean
                                                                             footings and foundations can be
                                                                             shallower and less complicated,
                                                                             saving on time and materials. And,
                                                                             as light gauge steel can be lifted into

                                                                             place by manpower alone, expensive
                                                                             cranes are no longer needed.

                                                                             Steel frame for an entire 5-storey
                                                                             block   of    14   apartments     was
                                                                             completed in 6 weeks by a team of 4
                                                                             without the use of any lifting

         2. Quicker

         The faster you are able to build, the
         shorter the time you need to borrow
         money to fund the construction –
         which lowers the cost of interest
         paid on the loan.

         • Lighter building materials,

         • Less construction time,

         • Fewer opportunities for human

         • Less equipment required,

         • Less on site waste,

         All lead to a quicker build using light
         gauge steel frame.
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