Page 3 - FGF_LG_WichitaFallsTX_2019_Flip_Builder
P. 3

Schedule                                                            Sat~Mar 30

       of  events                                           8:00   Doors Open / Product Tables Open.  Complimentary
                                                                      Girlfriend Blend Coffee & Tea Served.

                                                            9:00   SESSION 2
                      Fri~Mar 29                                   Praise and Worship
          6:00   Doors Open / Product Tables Open                  Jennifer Rothschild
          7:00   SESSION I                                  10:30  Break / Product Tables Open.  Complimentary
                 Praise and Worship                                   Girlfriend Blend Coffee & Tea Served.
                 Come On In with Jennifer Rothschild        11:00  SESSION 3
                 Karen Abercrombie                                 Door Prizes.  Must be present to win.
                 Concert with Meredith Andrews                     Concert with Meredith Andrews
                 Jennifer Rothschild                               Spill the Beans with Jennifer and Meredith
                 Featured Testimony                         12:30  Closing - Product Tables Open - Book/CD Signing
          9:30   Closing / Product Tables Open

      Chick-Fil-A.  Please complete the
      no obligation order form if you would       just a                         If you need assistance.  If you
                                                                                 have a question or need assistance,
      like Chick-Fil-A on Saturday morning.                                      please ask anyone wearing a nametag.
      Drop it in the baskets by the doors  few things
      before the conference begins.                                              Restrooms.  Men’s restrooms
                                            you'll want to know                  have been converted to women’s
      Door Prizes.  Complete the Door                                            restrooms.
      Prize Registration form and place in   the Saturday break and place in the
      a basket by the doors.  Door prizes   designated basket on the stage.      Prayer Room.  The prayer room
      will be drawn immediately after the                                        is open for the duration of the confer-
      morning break on Saturday.  You must   Cell Phones.  Please silence all cell   ence and is available to all attendees.
      be present to win!                    phones and other electronic devices
                                            before event.  Please step outside the   Photography.  Fresh Grounded
      Coffee & Tea.  Complimentary          auditorium to respond to any phone   Faith (FGF) reserves the right to use
      Girlfriend Blend Coffee and Tea will   calls and be considerate of others.  any photograph/video taken at any
      be served before the conference on                                         event sponsored by FGF without the
      Saturday morning and at the           Tickets.  Your ticket is a waterproof   expressed written permission of those
      morning break.                        wristband that allows you entry into   included within the photograph/video.
                                            the event. Please wear it at all times.  FGF may use the photograph/video in
      Spill the Beans with Jennifer                                              publications or other media material
      & Friends.  During the event,         Product Tables & Signings.           produced, used or contracted by FGF
      Jennifer and her friends will Spill the   Jennifer and her guests will be available   including but not limited to:  brochures,
      Beans with the audience.  There is an   at various times during the conference   invitations, books, newspapers, maga-
      index card in your bag to submit your   for photos and signing.            zines, social media, television
      questions.  Complete the card before                                       and websites.

                                            connect with Jennifer
                                        and join the conversation @ #FGFsocial

                                        JennRothschild          Jennifer Rothschild

                                        JennRothschild          JenniferRothschild

                                    check out highights and photos ~                                              1
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