Page 3 - RotF - Electrical Specification_Neat
P. 3
Version 2014-2
Electrical Schedules
1 Pre-Construction Works
Item Description Cost
1.1 With prior knowledge of the proposed project scope and programme, carry out a
site inspection of the restaurant electrical services and produce a condition
report with recommendations, identifying defects, non -compliances and/or
safety concerns and commentary regarding the cost and programme impact of
the remedial actions necessary to correct the matters identified.
1.2 Attendance at a pre-start meeting at the restaurant.
1.3 Produce at outline design proposal with costs, for the required modifications to
the restaurant kitchen and lobby as defined by the project scope; for review by
the Project Management team.
1.4 Produce drawings for construction
2 Works in support of the Main Contractor
Item Description Rate
2.1 Carry out isolation, disconnection and making safe of existing circuitry to allow
the main Contractor to complete strip-out and/or demolition of existing building
and kitchen components and equipment.
2.2 Attendance on day of restaurant opening
McDonalds Restaurants Ltd
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