Page 3 - B6118-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_(P19)_Contractors Manual
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This manual is intended to be used as the main It is expected that parts of this manual will be
point of reference to support McDonald’s modified over time within the roll out of the
Convenience of the Future (CotF) programme. CotF programme. Updates will be recorded in
The manual has been subdivided into three the contents section and the latest manual will
main sections for ease of reference: always be available online. It is the individuals
responsibility to ensure that the latest version of
DESIGN; setting out the design principles behind the manual is utilised.
Convenience of the Future (CotF) which have
been agreed following early test stores. This manual will supplement information
provided via the project specific drawings and
SUPPLY; detailing the approved suppliers for should be read in conjunction with the following:
individual elements and the route for their
procurement. - CDM Partnership specifications:
CONSTRUCT: covering typical and standard Electrical,
details which should be read in conjunction Drainage & Piped Service Performance
with the architect’s detail design drawings and
suppliers information. - McDonald’s Generic (Intermediate)
NBS Specifications
A glossary can be found at the rear of this
document. - McDonald’s Maintenance and Repair website