P. 10

Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1

             The Contractor is to protect, uphold and maintain all pipes, ducts, sewers, service
             mains, overhead cables etc., belonging to the Client, the Private or Public Utility
             Companies affected by the project during the execution of the Works. The Contractor
             is to make good any damage due to any cause within his control at his own expense
             and pay any costs and charges in connection therewith.

1.2.10 Co-Ordination

             The Contractor is to ensure that full liaison with all Contractors’ engaged on the
             Contract takes place, to ensure satisfactory design progress and installation of the

             The Contractor is to co-ordinate his design with other trades to facilitate installations.
             Where a number of installations share a common route the installations shall generally
             proceed in the following order:

                1. Drainage and waste plumbing
                2. AC / Ventilation ductwork
                3. Sprinkler Pipework
                4. Service pipework
                5. Electrical work

             Where mechanical or electrical equipment is specified by manufacturer's name and
             catalogue number it indicates the type and standard of equipment required. The
             Contractor is to ensure that the equipment supplied is co-ordinated with other services
             and building works, and is suitable to comply with the design performance
             requirements and all standards, guides, and regulations.

1.2.11 Dimensions

             The Contractor is to take his own dimensions of the buildings or structures for the
             purpose of installing the plant and equipment and is to be responsible for the accuracy
             of such dimensions.

             Reference is to be made to latest Architectural and Structural information.

1.2.12 Definition of Drawings

             The following definitions are to be applied to drawings referred to and/or required by
             this specification:

             Contractors Co-Ordination Drawings, Installation Drawings and Information (Working

             From the information provided in the MEPH Specification and drawings, the Contractor
             is to prepare all necessary design, co-ordination and installation drawings, shop
             drawings, diagrams and schedules to a scale as may be required to illustrate in detail
             the arrangements of the various sections of the Contract Works and to identify and
             describe the various components for the proper execution and installation of the
             Contract Works in accordance with this document in a neat and skilled manner to the
             satisfaction of the Project Manager.

             The design and installation drawings are to be fully co-ordinated with the requirements
             of the Sub-Contractors and with the building and its associated services and are to
             indicate all necessary dimensions for the integration of the Contracts works properly

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