P. 17
Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1
tests unless he informs the Contractor in writing that he considers the tests
In no instance is concealed or buried work to be covered without being fully tested and
documented by the Contractor.
In the event of the Contractor failing to complete all defect works to any area within
the desired period to the satisfaction of the Project Manager, the Client may instruct
the Project Manager to achieve the desired completion(s) with whatever assistance is
deemed necessary.
The cost of such assistance inclusive of the Project Manager's costs for each and every
occasion shall be deducted from the Contractor's payments.
1.2.25 Schedule of Rates
The Contractor is to, as set out in the main contract documents, submit a fully detailed
Schedule of Rates inclusive of all material and labour rates and indicating all associated
overheads and profits.
The Schedule of Rates are to show in detail the quantities, process and extensions used
in the calculation of the Tender Prices and the Contractor is to accept responsibility for
the accuracy of any quantities and extensions contained therein and the Schedule are
to balance with each priced item of the Contractors Tender summary.
1.2.26 Training of Client’s Staff
The Contractor is to allow for the provision of sufficient skilled personnel, during
ordinary working hours for the purpose of instructing the Client's staff in the operation
of the plant.
The Contractor is to include for all costs in connection with specialist training for the
Client's staff on operation and maintenance of particular plant or systems (Refer to the
Particular Specification for any additional specific requirements).
The Project Manager may at his discretion redistribute days allocated between
individual systems to suit the store manager's requirements.
1.2.27 Document and Drawings on Site
The Contractor is to ensure that one copy of the current Design/Installation Documents
prepared by the Contractor are kept in his office on site at all times and that his staff
and operatives are fully conversant with same.
The Contractor is to also include for keeping one set of his installation drawings in his
office on site upon which he is to keep marked up, on a daily basis the installation
progress to record the progress of the Contract Works. These drawings are to be kept
solely for this purpose and are to be kept up to date at all times together with any
amendments or variations to the works which are to be recorded upon them.
The "marked up" set of installation drawings are to form the basis of the "Record
Drawings" required upon completion of the Contract Works as described elsewhere on
this document.
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