Page 30 - Eucalyptus 2020
P. 30

A-BLOCK                                                                                                                                                                    A-BLOCK

        UPPER                                                                                                                                                                                LOWER

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Timothy Benjamin
            Kevin Craven Arul Yagappa,          ‘A’ Block Upper is a name that will be etched in the memories of the                                                                                       Nelson David Paul
                         Uday  Bagaria          students who resided there. More so for us 10th graders, who have been                                                                                     Sangmin Han
                        Aryan Chamoli           with our beloved Ms. Cecilia for 2 years, unlike our juniors (Yes, I am                                                                                    Raunak Khanna
                   Abhimanyu  Chopra            throwing shade). Jokes aside, there is a multitude of things that we as a                                                                                  Ayman Ullah Khwaja
                       Rethin  Christin         dorm are grateful for, the biggest thing being our dorm parent, who was                                                                                    Venkata Ravi Varma Koppella
                          Uday Chugh            the glue that held us all together. She worked tirelessly to make sure we                                                                                  Caleb Mathews
                         Len Hangsing           ate our dinner, postponing hers; she took out time from her weekend off                                                                                    Aditya Mitra
                              Murtaza           to help us with the most redundant queries. From the late-night talks in       This was my second year as a dorm parent (as well as my second year in ‘A’   Paz Mogrelia
                             Dev Patel          her apartment to her catching us playing cricket in our rooms, she was         Block Lower), and I have to say I could not have asked for a greater group of   Byeongro Park
                           Aansh Salia          there for us. It might be an overrated concept but you really do only          boys with whom to spend it. A majority of boys in our dorm were not only    Tushar Patra
                      Arman Sawhney             realize what you had when it is gone. From Rishi and Kevin’s incessant         new to KIS this year, but they were new to residential life as well. It could   Yohan Poncha
                     Shivanshu Sharma           shouting and Ms. Cecilia arguing with Dev, Murtaza and Shivanshu               have been a year of struggles as the guys learned to live life away from    Hayan Sojitra
                    Theerin Srisukajorn         always sitting in the glass room, to the 8th and 9th graders never coming      home, but instead, each of them rose to the occasion, thriving at school    Aditya Venkatesh
                        Rishi Vaghasia          out of their rooms ( I had to say it) we stood up for each other when it       and in our dorm.
             Mrigendraa Vimal Kannan            mattered.                                                                      The A Block Lower boys were enthusiastic, cooperative, engaged in all levels   Residential Parent:
                     Aryan Waghdhare            Things we’ll remember each other for:                                          of residential school life, and above all else, so much fun. I loved getting to   Stephanie Lyngdoh
                                                Rishi: Either eating or shouting                                               know each of the new boys, and I was beyond blessed to get to know my
                    Residential Parent:         Shivanshu: At cc after 7 pm                                                    returning A Block Lower guys even better. My best memories of this group
                       Cecilia Winfred          Murtaza: Singing Bollywood in the shower                                       will mostly involve food ... having them over for dinners and baking stuff for
                                                Kevin and Aryan ( Cricket Captain): Fighting each other was their favorite     them. I loved how this group was so willing and wanting to hang out in my
                                                pastime                                                                        house. How they loved my cats (sometimes too much!); how they wanted
                                                Aansh: Everyone’s favorite gum supplier                                        to spend time talking with me and Mr. Donald!
                                                Aryan (Chamoli): Can’t concentrate during study hall                           I have been so proud of these boys in the way they have dealt with the
                                                Uday.B and Rethin: Went to robotics most of time                               unexpected  events  of  this  year,  as  well  as  the  way  in  which  they  came
                                                Uday.C: Thinks Bangalore’s the best at everything                              together as a dorm. I am sad to see the 10th graders move on, but I am
                                                8th graders just never came out of their rooms.                                excited about seeing them thrive in other dorms. I am super excited about
                                                a special mention to Rahat: IYKYK                                              another year with this year’s 9th graders!
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