Page 97 - Eucalyptus 2020
P. 97

“You’ve got trouble my friends…”

 THE MUSIC MAN                                                                      “There are giants in the sky..”

                                                    8 November 2019
                                                    Director: Robert Wood
                                                    This fall production takes you back in time to 1912, the township
         “One Grecian Urn..”                        of ‘River City’, Illinois. The audience gets entwined in a romantic
                                                    comedy starring Aydn Luy as ‘Harold Hill’ and Nandini Gupta as
                                                    ‘Marian Paroo’.  Students from K-12 colored the stage with well
                                                    choreographed dance numbers like ‘The Wells Fargo Wagon’ and
 “Shipoopi, the girl is hard to get..”              ‘Shipoopi’. We will  be remembering  this  theatrical  experience
                                                    and humming its tunes for a long time to come.

              “Ye Gawd!”

 “Home, Sweet, hooome”
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