Page 109 - Eucalyptus 2020
P. 109

A   N O T E   F R O M   T H E   C L A S S   A   N O T E   F R O M   T H E   C L A S S



 We care.
                                             Wait...  has  it  been  14  years  already?  But  that's  probably  the
 COVID-19 has swept the globe, and in its undercurrent has taken weddings, sporting  magic about Kodai, you're having so much fun it's hard to keep
 events, pay checks and worst of all, many lives. There is nothing anyone can say to  up with the time.
 make up for that time you are losing in what is supposed to be one of the best years
 of your life.                               We have had such great experiences here, from being the cute,
                                             innocent-looking play-schoolers to troublemakers in 5th Grade.
 But we can offer some encouragement. Right now, you have the power to make the  Finally, evolving into more advanced troublemakers in the 12th

 most  out  of  this  unfortunate  situation.  You  are  resilient  and  innovative.  Your  grade.
 generation  can  navigate  multiple  worlds  and  bounce  between  physical  and  digital
 spaces  with  ease.  You  push  boundaries  and  challenge  norms.  You  find  ingenious  Roaming  around  Ganga  Campus  playing  tag  and  capture  the
 ways  to  compensate  for  any  gaps  you  may  have  accrued  without  the  help  of  flag, or the football games over lunchbreak will remain one of
 educators, whether it is through the internet or a sibling.   our  fond  memories.    So  will  our  class  trips  to  Kottayam  and
                                             Poondi. We may have been in Kodai the longest, but it was the
 We  can  also  offer  some  advice.  Help  one  another  and  your  family.  Offer  support.  whole class that made our time wonderful.
 Utilize  your  tech  savvy  ways  to  bring  yourselves  closer  together.  Practice  “social
 distancing,” but stay as social as ever. FaceTime. Text. Tweet. Snapchat. Make TikTok  We  have  had  many  amazing  teachers  along  the  way,  just  to
 videos.  Use  these  platforms  to  connect  and  uplift.  Binge  stream  movies.  Make  name a few, Ms. Edward (Play/Preschool), Ms. Radhika (KG), Ms.
 memes.  Exercise.  Read  books!  Reach  out  to  friends…  Start  a  hobby.  A  journal  for  Chettri  (1/2nd  Grade),  Ms.  Jessica  (3/4th  Grade),  Ms.  Tara  (5th
 posterity. You are living through history. Your bold reaction to this is going to make  Grade), Ms. Janice (K-5 Coordinator), Ms. Mini (MYP Math) and
 history.                                    Ms. Michelle (MYP English), who have to a great extent watched
                                             us grow up.

 Use  what  you  have  learned  in  the  classroom,  and  what  you  have  learned  about
 yourselves to navigate these uncertain times.  The  school  has  truly  provided  an  exceptional  place  for  us  to
                                             grow up and we are proud to call it our home.
 We  feel  your  pain.  We  see  your  hard  work.  We  value  your  unique  perspectives.
 We hear your audacious voices. We cherish all of it, and we will continue to do so  Aydn Luy, Dominik Wüthrich,
 even from afar.                                                       Jakob Wüthrich and Micah Yesudian

 Class of 2020, this was not the ending we dreamed of...

 We will miss you!!
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