Page 77 - 总厂实用英语手册电子书2.0
P. 77

   通知调动

        1)you are transferred from the secretary to the  你从秘书调任销售经理
        sales executive
        2) the Personnel Department has decided transfer  人事部调你至销售部
        to you te the Sales Department
        3) you are demoted to vice supervisor  你被降职为副总管

        4) you have got the position of chief accountant  你已经得到了总会计师的职位

        5) you are moved to the Sales Department  你被调到了销售部

           调动缘由

        1) Duo to the great improvement you'-ve made  由于你已有巨大的进步

        2) Because of the recommendation of the CEO  因为总裁的推荐
        3) Duo to your excellent performance  鉴于你的优异表现
        4) As you work with chariness and responsibility  因为你工作认真负责

        5) Because of your good responsibility and rich  因为你具有责任心且工作经验丰富
        working experience
        6) After the discussion               经商议

           调动要求

        1) Hand over the related materials to the next  及时把相关资料移交给下任副经理。
        vice manager in time.
        2) Please be prepared to take office in 3 days  请做好 3 天后上任的准备。

        3) Please move to your new office in one week.  请在一周后搬到新的办公室。
        4) You are expected to finish the handover during  希望你在两天内完成交接工作。
        2 days.
        5)You have two weeks to hand over your work  你有两个星期时间来交接工作并准备
        and be prepared to the new job.
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