Page 10 - Lori School Catalog 2020
P. 10

Private Eye/Ear Combo

             The Private Eye is a lens cover for your webcam
             that protects you from potential on-lookers.  The
             PrivateEars is a microphone blocker that protects                                                          t
             your personal audio from potential hackers.                                                                ti!

              Quantity      100       250         500     1000
              Cost       $4.69   $4.41   $4.13   $3.99                                                                  g

               Wooden Baseball Bat                                                                                      n

                                 GFTL-3-BAT                                                                              a  c
             18” Mini Wooden Baseball Bats are sure to make
             your next event a home run!
             Size:     18” Long.                                                                                        we

              Quantity       50       100       250       500                                                           i,  t

              Cost       $4.65   $4.35   $4.30   $4.22

                        Kanga PROtect                                                                                   e

                                 HS-81-06533                                                                            ntse
             Comes with built-in RFID blocking technology for                                                           ’
             credit card and wallet security. 3M adhesive, spandex
             material securely hols five or more cards.
             Size:     2 3/16” Wide by 3 1/2” High                                                                      o

              Quantity      100       250         500     1000
              Cost       $4.57   $4.40     $4.27     $4.15

                        OverCool 3-1                                                                                    o  y

                                 HS-95-15103                                                                            I   f
             A mini USB fan for your phone or other mobile device.
             With interchangeable connectors it is compatible with
             iPhones and Androids.

             Size:     1 9/16” Long by 3 1/2” Wide by 5/8” High

              Quantity      100       250       500     1000

              Cost       $4.96   $4.74   $4.53   $4.31

                           *Prices Subject to Change,  Setup and Mold Fees May Apply*
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