Page 4 - 2024_LMD_Catalog_Neat
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         SALE TIME:  1:00 p.m.                                 DESIGNATED CALVING EASE:  We have marked the
                                                               bulls we think will work on heifers.  Please use your
         INSPECTION:  Cattle are available anytime at          own judgment.
         Meriwether Farms in Wheatland, Wyoming and will be    **     Should work on all heifers
         at the ranch March 20 through the sale date.
                                                               *      Should work on larger heifers
         RETAINED INTEREST: All bulls selling will have 1/3
         semen interest and 1/3 revenue-sharing interest       DESIGNATED PATHFINDER:  We have marked the
         retained by Lisco or M Diamond Angus.  Full           cattle in each pedigree that qualify as Pathfinders. #
         possession sells on all bulls.
                                                               SALE DAY WEIGHT:  All bull weights will be listed on a
         DELIVERY/WINTERING:  Yearlings will be delivered      supplement sheet that will include their actual weight
         starting the first week of May.  Two-year-olds and    and scrotal measurement the week of the sale.  Video
         summer bulls must be taken immediately.  Note the     of all lots, supplement sheets and sale order can
         discount for bulls taken on sale day.                 be viewed at or www.
                                                       Just click on “Sale Catalogs” and
         Delivery is free on all bulls within a 500-mile radius.    then “Lisco/M Diamond” to view.
         For further distances please call; arrangements
         can be made for assistance if Lisco/M Diamond is      HERD HEALTH:  All cattle sell with proper health
         contacted ahead of time.  Deduct $50 per bull from    papers for  interstate shipment.  A rigid herd health
         purchase price if you haul yourself.                  program has been followed.  All bulls sell guaranteed
                                                               or tested free of all known genetic defects by DNA
         SEMEN EVALUATION:  Bulls have passed fertility        test or pedigree. All bulls tested negative for PI BVD.
         testing and are guaranteed breeders.
                                                               TERMS AND CONDITIONS:  These cattle sell under
         PAP SCORES:  All bulls have been PAP tested.          the terms and conditions of the American Angus
         Yearling and summer bulls will have a                 Association.
         supplement sheet of the scores sale day and
         we will have them up on our website as soon as
                                                                       Catalog designed by:

         ULTRASOUND:  All bulls have been ultrasounded.
         Results are included in the catalog and the numbers
         in the catalog are the individual ratios of the bulls.


                          CAN’T MAKE THE SALE?

             Buyers unable to attend                          VISIT WWW.DVAUCTION.COM AND REGISTER!
            the sale may send bids to      1. Create and account at under the “create new account” tab.
            Dick Lisco, Brad Boner or   OR  2. Apply for bidding by clicking “apply for bidding” in the upper left corner, at least 24
             Trent Boner. Satisfaction     hours prior to the auction.
             guaranteed on all phone       3. Tune into the sale and make your purchases.

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