Page 26 - Lansdowne Yearbook 2020-21 Master Digital Edition
P. 26
again to protect our communities and families with your President Colin Goode and Junior
since this pervasive and accursed pandemic Vice President Mick Dawson I thought it would
struck our Island. Many of these individuals be important to ensure that this journalistic
are rugby supporters and our colleagues so it piece was accurately researched. My rugby
is vital that we commit ourselves to adhering DNA is embedded in Leinster Provincial Rugby
to the rules and protocols that are there to so extra research is essential when dealing
protect us all. with Metro based clubs. As journalists and law
“Surround yourself with people who believe enforcement agencies will tell you one of the
in your dreams, encourage your ideas and best and most reliable sources of information
support your ambitions and bring out the best can be obtained from one’s neighbours.
in you. Keep the Faith” Having contacted those other Clubs located
in the leafy suburbs of Dublin 4 for suitable
JOHN WALSH endorsements of Lansdowne’s status I now
President Leinster Rugby 2020/21 realise that this may not be so. On the basis
that the comments from these individuals
P.S would remain off the record I managed to
My first engagement with Lansdowne pre obtain the following quotes – “Lansdowne are
dates the establishment of the AIL and the the Vanderbilt’s of global rugby”,
mobile phone when I was multi-tasking as a
player, honorary secretary and fixture secretary “The Lansdowne Club are a club with
for my club Naas who had recently purchased everything...except humility” ... ...” Lansdowne
Forenaughts and were developing as a rugby are a posh transition camp for aspiring U-20’s.”
club. The legendary Ireland and Lions player Obviously, these quotes are not an accurate
Mick Doyle was persuaded to embark on a reflection of the club’s status and you detect
coaching career and Naas looked to be an that the numerous wounds of generations of
excellent place to start. He reminded me that defeats inflicted at the hands of Lansdowne
as Fixture Secretary it was my responsibility have not healed. Fear of potential litigation
to obtain the best fixtures possible as “if you has prevented me from revealing additional
want to be the best you need to play against quotes.
the best”.
I have now decided to approach my research
My enthusiasm and motivation was now at from a different direction and have sought the
an all-time high so undaunted I called my assistance of Naas players Craig Ronaldson
counterpart in Lansdowne to advise him (the official Naas mascot when we won our
that we would be happy to give Lansdowne first Provincial Towns Cup), Colin McEntee
a fixture and that our location just 20 miles (Lansdowne Captain in 2000/01) and Johne
from Newlands Cross was ideal for them to Murphy to provide a more reliable reference
make the trip. I also mentioned to him that as to what it was like to play for Lansdowne....I
both ex Newbridge College players Mick Quinn await their calls and hopefully it will be a
and Johnny Kerins were very supportive of this little quicker than that first call that I made
fixture and that it would be of benefit to both those many seasons ago to
clubs going forward. After a lengthy pause he be continued.
responded that he had my number and would
be in touch. I can only presume that the carrier
pigeon carrying the good news did not make it
past the then notorious Newlands Cross.
When Elayne from Lansdowne contacted me
the other day I immediately thought “game on”
Given the situation that I find myself as
Leinster President and serving on committee
26 YEARBOOK 2020-2021