Page 49 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 49
By Paige Smith
the European recovery curve, This good news should be tak- holiday and leisure trips; it’s
with 19% deficit in flights so en cautiously because it looks not sustainable and there is still
The bounce in business far in August comparing to 21% like a concentration of delayed very little sign of recovery .”Q
aviation demand in August is decline in July.
down to the European market, That reflects the stagnation LOOKING FOR A JOB?
with month-to-date sectors in key US States like California,
surging two percent ahead of where flights are still down by WE WANT PILOTS!
17%, and New York which has
the same period last year. been stuck at a third below
Central and Eastern Europe, normal all summer. Minimum requirements: Good to have:
less affected by renewed travel The busiest aircraft in the US • License : ATPL or CPL • Tail Dragger rating
restrictions, has seen a release is still the PC-12, operating at • Total Time: 2000 • AG Rating
of significant pent-up demand. close to 90% of normal. The • Total Command 1500 • Aerial Survey / Agricultural work /
Business jet and turboprop workhorse business jet is the • Turbine Time 500 Low level flying experience
flights from Germany are up by Challenger 300, flights down Please forward C.V. to
17% this month, Switzerland up by 15% this month. A number
by 21%, Czech Republic, Poland, of smaller business jets are
Ukraine, all with flights up by relatively more in demand,
at least 25%. Croatia is clearly with the Hawker Beechcraft
getting a lot of the holiday traf- 400, including the Nextant,
fic, with arrivals up by almost only 3% off normal activity,
50%. A large share comes from same for the CJ3. The heavy
Germany, which also has a jets are still much less active
spike in visitors holidaying to than mid and light but recov-
Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, ering, within 25% of normal
and Netherlands. activity this month. Behind this
Virus concerns and renewed fleet activity, some operators
restrictions appear to have have found some growth in
closed off the summer season the market whilst others are
s fr
Bringing y
ou ne
om the
in Spain with business aviation trailing heavily. Fractional Bringing you news from the
activity down 8% so far in operations are trailing almost world of aviation
August, and 20% down from 20% but Flexjet is bucking the World Airnews is Africa’s oldest and widest-circulating
the peak of its recovery in trend with strong growth. aviation journal now entering its 46th year of publication.
Launched in late 2017, the World Airnews e-mag
mid-July. Charter operators are strug- contains all the news stories that missed the monthly
deadline as well as 20 pages of special content for
While Barcelona, 22% behind gling on the East Coast, but subscribers. Topics covered include air shows, exhibitions
as well as a full range of airline news.
for the month, managed to some nationwide operators, For more information go to
get to 90% of normal during like XO Jet, are well above par
the Grand Prix last weekend. this month.
And Mallorca seems to have Outside the US and Europe,
weathered the restrictions, business aviation in Asia is
with business aviation closing in on pre-pandemic
arrivals still up 10% this month levels of activity, with Australia
compared to last year. just up, India just down, and
Of the other leading markets business jet flights from
in Europe, the UK continues and within China up by 16%
to lag but only by 3%, with compared to August last year.
its recent quarantine on And in Africa, business
arrivals from France seeing a aviation flight activity is up in
pre-deadline rush. UK-France South Africa and Nigeria.
connections since then have Richard Koe said, “The
predictably fallen acutely. recovery in business aviation
For UK travellers, Greece activity this summer has
appears to be the current turned stop-start in the last
beneficiary of the rolling month.
European quarantines, with UK If the US follows the same
outbound arrivals up by 80% so pandemic recovery as Europe,
far this month. there should be a strong
The US is now well behind pent-up recovery in early Fall.
World Airnews | September Extra 2020
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