Page 63 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 63
COVID-19 has effectively reset the travel concentration will lead to a major industry
industry. Every tourism company and reshaping in all regions. Some airline
airline is taking a hard look at its opera- groups are expected to become stronger, EXPLORE SMART REVENUE MODELS
tions, re-assessing its ways of working and accelerating strategic investments, while
adapting to the 'new normal'. In this new others may not recover. The International Air Transport Association
world, the ability to make fast decisions has We also anticipate a number of significant (IATA) released analysis showing that the
become crucial. changes in the aviation landscape with airline industry's global debt could rise
Over the past few months, many airlines new codeshare and interline agreements to $550 billion by year-end; a $120 billion
scaled back operations and refocused some between different parties. increase over debt levels at the start of
of their fleets to support repatriation flights Smart airline inventory management
and medical supply shipments. Technology solutions, like Altéa, use advanced avail- With these alarming numbers, it is clear
played a critical role in helping carriers ability management techniques, dynamic that modern, state of the art revenue
achieve agile aircraft configurations. customer identification and sophisticated management will be crucial for airlines
to move quickly to recovery. Amadeus
Airlines repurposed their aircraft airline policy controls to automate flight has incorporated artificial intelligence
by adding cargo space to flight cabins schedules, codeshare agreements, and machine learning algorithms into its
and some added extra space around re-accommodation and seating. This helps revenue management solutions. Although
passengers and families to apply maximum maximize airline network yield, increasing these solutions often rely on historical data
safety measures. Key to this agility was revenues and improving efficiency. to understand behaviours, Altéa has shown
the seamless integration between airline Collaboration has been important great resilience in the current market
systems from inventory to reservation, through these past months, as aviation context, building models where there is no
departure control, and offer management; stakeholders along the value chain unite precedent upon which to rely.
all core PSS capabilities. to ensure the survival of the industry. Altéa detects the patterns of recovery
Integration across the Amadeus This is where the community element at different market, country and route
Altéa suite enabled airlines to easily of Altéa comes in. Because airline PSSs levels, and these patterns help airlines
deploy real-time seating, cabin, and cargo share common processes, Altéa delivers a make quick, efficient, and smart revenue
reconfigurations. Business rules and other common core functionality to a community management business decisions.
setting adjustments could all be configured of airlines, providing leading technology
from a single user interface for automatic at a much lower cost. This approach is a
and flexible application across the airline's departure from the high cost, on-going Despite the aviation industry navigating
entire network, by market, origin, and IT development within each airline. And its greatest challenge to date, airlines can
destination and other variables. thanks to Altéa's open systems design, still use this time to prepare for the future.
Looking to the future, fully integrated Amadeus is able to develop additional The Altéa suite is widely used by leading
systems also mean that even if unforeseen IT solutions for airlines such as loyalty airlines in the world, large and small. The
newest airline to have adopted the Altéa
events like last-minute aircraft changes management, revenue management and suite, TAAG Angola Airlines, the flag carrier
occur during operational windows, airlines financial management systems. of the Republic of Angola, recently said
can immediately and automatically reseat This collaboration is also due to the it is excited to be able to streamline its
passengers and adjust weight and load bal- founding principles of our Amadeus Airline operations thanks to Amadeus' technology.
ance. With end-to-end automated aircraft Platform, which is an agile and open
configuration and reconfiguration, airlines system, enabling third parties such as "In these times of uncertainty, we are
avoid expensive, time-consuming and start-ups to collaborate and develop on reassured by dependable partners like
resource-intensive manual intervention. top of Amadeus technology to meet airline Amadeus, that we can rely on to take our
needs. This approach fast-tracks develop- airline to its next stage of growth. We
look forward to getting back to flying and
ment from concept to market and allows continuing our expansion drive in the
COLLABORATION AND Amadeus’ airline customers to always region and internationally with Amadeus
CONSOLIDATION IN AVIATION benefit from the best technology and most at our side," said chief executive officer for
It is likely that consolidation and innovative concepts in the marketplace. TAAG Angola Airlines, Dr Rui Carreira. Q
World Airnews | September Extra 2020
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