Page 9 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 9

NEWS             CHARTER

                                   PREMIUM PRIVATE

                                   JET CHARTER

                                   PROVIDER LAUNCHED

                   irectional Aviation recently

            Dannounced the launch of FXAIR,
            the newest member of its family of pri-
            vate jet travel providers, which will spe-
            cialise in premium on-demand charter.
              As more people consider private jet
            travel to minimise their risk of exposure
            to the corona virus, charter - which
            provides more than 65% of all managed

            private flight time - is becoming increas-

            ingly attractive. Headquartered in New

            York, FXAIR provides charter on demand
            to those looking for entry into private
            jet travel.

              “We pride ourselves on anticipating

            the needs of flyers and moving swiftly

            to present them with ideal options
            once they are ready to act,” said Kenn

            Ricci, principal of Directional Avia-
 EMIRATES LAUNCHES  tion. “Increasingly, we are finding that

            individuals and businesses appreciate

            the on-demand charter model for the   FXAIR has launched with a collection   are a large number of people who
 AIRBRIDGE TO LEBANON  flexibility it affords them, but they desire   of super mid cabin, large cabin and   can afford to fly privately but do not.

                                                                               Approximately 90% of individuals with

                                              ultra-long range aircraft including the
            access to a more consistent network of
            premium aircraft. With the addition of   Bombardier Challenger 300 and the   a net worth of $10 million or greater

 Emirates has already been supporting disaster relief efforts   FXAIR to our family of flight providers   Global Express. These second generation   do not fly privately, leaving a large

 in Lebanon through the dispatch of several charter flights   and operators, we meet that need and   Flexjet aircraft will only be available for   untapped market.

 carrying food, clothing and medical supplies donated   can say that, no matter how people pre-  premium charter through FXAIR.   A combination of factors has now

 by various grassroots organisations in the UAE  fer to fly, we have a solution for them.”  FXAIR has access to a network of indi-  made private aviation appealing to

              Headquartered in New York City,   vidually curated premium aircraft from   more travellers including concerns

 humanitarian partners.  from all corners of the globe have been   FXAIR is led by aviation industry veteran   some of the industry’s most respected   about sharing closed spaces with others

 For every donation, cargo capacity will   sending their support to Lebanon and we   Gregg Slow, who is FXAIR President.   and safe flight providers. All aircraft op-  during the pandemic, airline service

 n the wake of the Port of Beirut ex-  be provided for humanitarian organ-  are proud to facilitate a means for them   Slow has held senior positions at other   erators within the FXAIR network have   cutbacks; reduced commercial flight

 Iplosions which have devastated many   isations to transport critical medical   to tangibly and proactively assist the   private jet travel firms including XOJET   to meet strict Covid-19 precautions to   frequencies  and airline route changes
 Lebanese people with relief and recovery
 parts of Lebanon's capital city, Emirates   equipment and supplies, food and other   efforts on the ground during this difficult   and NetJets. Most recently, he served as   ensure passenger safety.  that do not meet traveller needs. These

 has begun making sure that critical   emergency relief goods directly to Beirut   ti me."  president of the Americas at PrivateFly,   “Charter is the most common form   factors, when combined with private

 through Emirates SkyCargo.

                                                                               aviation’s traditional benefits, are at-

 emergency relief aid reaches the hundreds   “Through the Emirates Airline Foun-  Directional’s international on-demand   of private jet travel, yet I’ve heard even   tracting more of this untapped market

            charter provider.
 Additionally, Emirates SkyCargo will fur-

 of thousands of people affected by the   ther contribute by providing a 20% reduc-  dation, the airline supports over 30 hu-  frequent charter clients express dis-  to private jet travel.

                                              appointment with the aircraft offered,

              “Having spent my entire career in

 blasts.   tion on air freight transportation charges   manitarian and philanthropic projects in   private jet travel, I believe FXAIR fills   inconsistency of available aircraft types,   “Launching a premium charter com-

 Emirates SkyCargo has ramped up its   for approved shipments, underscoring its   16 countries around the world. Over the   a genuine need in the market that is   their condition and unexpected, hidden   pany in the middle of the Covid-19 pan-

 freighter operations to Lebanon - dedicat-  commitment to expedite emergency relief   years, Emirates has supported humanitar-  not currently being addressed by other   fees,” said Slow.   demic really demonstrates the strength

 ing over 50 flights to provide an airlift to   efforts to Beirut.  ian flights in partnership with the Airbus   providers,” said Slow.   Principal Ricci said, “We have heard   of the Directional Aviation family of

 the country.  HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Mak-  Foundation, and since 2013, Emirates   “As more businesses, individuals and   that the rest of the charter industry is   brands, as well as our leadership’s belief

 In addition the airline is appealing to   toum, chairman and chief Executive of   A380 ferry flights have transported over   families choose to fly privately, espe-  trying to ‘democratise’ private jets. We   that the time to act is right now,” said

 people around the world to donate cash   Emirates airline and group said, "The   120 tonnes of food and vital emergency   cially in today’s COVID-19 world, there   see it very differently. We see clients   Andrew Collins, CEO of FXAIR.

 or pledge their Skywards Miles, through a   world is banding together to stand in   equipment to those in need,” he said.  is a new requirement for a refined and   who appreciate the ‘private’ in ‘private   “Originally, the plan was to introduce

 dedicated, secure and convenient portal   solidarity with Lebanon, providing urgent   Emirates have been serving Lebanese   reliable charter experience that exceeds   aviation’ and aren’t willing to compro-  FXAIR in the fourth quarter of this year.

 via the Emirates Airline Foundation.  relief and immediate recovery support   skies and communities since 1991. Emirates   what often is available in the traditional   mise on quality or safety. Once charter   When the pandemic began, we talked

 For the next three months, the Emirates   to those affected by this tragic disaster.   operate two daily flights to Beirut utilising   charter market setting.”  clients fly with FXAIR, they won’t want   with our clients, providers and part-

 Airline Foundation will in turn directly   Emirates supports the UAE's ongoing   the Boeing 777, with plans to add further   to go back -especially with the innova-  ners, and it became clear that

 co-ordinate shipments of urgent food, med-  humanitarian efforts to support Lebanon   frequencies.   FEATURES   tive enhancements we plan to imple-  there was a pressing need for us to

 ical supplies and other much needed items   and is committed to bolster its global   To find out more, visit:   FXAIR has a number of features in   ment in the future.”  accelerate our launch. That’s why we’re

 with a range of NGO partners to make sure   emergency response to ensure that it  addition to premium aircraft. It is   making this announcement. We are

 that these donations reach those in need   can support organisations which provide   standwithlebanon   app-enabled, digitally-based and   FXAIR BEGINS SERVICE   ready to serve clients throughout this

 in a swift and transparent manner. Work is   urgent care, shelter, food and medical   To donate visit:   on-demand, all without any upfront   Research compiled and analysed by   unique summer, the holiday season

 already underway to mobilise recognised   support to the Lebanese people. People   https://www.emiratesairlinefoundation.  financial commitment.  McKinsey & Co. has showed that there   and beyond.” Q

 World Airnews | September 2020                   World Airnews | September 2020
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