Page 10 - World Airnews Magazine December Edition 2020 Intro
P. 10


                                 SIKORSKY’S NEW PRESIDENT

                                                                                            By Jen Judson

            ockheed Martin-owned Sikorsky’s

      Lpresident Dan Schultz is set to reti re
       at the beginning of 2021 and Paul Lemmo,
       the company’s current vice president of in-
       tegrated warfare systems and sensors, will
       take over the role, according to a recent
       company statement.

         The bench will shift within Lockheed with
       Jon Rambeau, the current vice president of
       C6ISR, taking over from Lemmo.
         Gregg Bauer, vice president for undersea
       warfare, will assume Rambeau’s role.
         “Just recently the president of our
       Sikorsky business, Dan Schultz, announced
       his decision to retire at the beginning

       of 2021,” Stephanie Hill, executive vice
       president of Lockheed Martin Rotary and

       Mission Systems, said in the statement.
         “Dan has had a tremendous impact to
       Lockheed Martin and I’m grateful for his


         Schultz joined Lockheed in 2006. Before
       assuming his current role at Sikorsky, he   The top position at LMCO was held   Sikorsky is in the midst of two major heli-

       was the vice president and general man-  until recently by Marillyn Hewson, who   copter competitions with the US Army - the

       ager of ship and aviation systems. Schultz   retired this year and was succeeded by   Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA)

       served in the US Marine Corps and was   James Taiclet.                  and the Future Attack Reconnaissance

       the programme manager for the Joint V-22   “I’m proud of Lockheed Martin’s focus   Aircraft (FARA).
       Osprey tiltrotor program, according to his   on talent development which allows for   Sikorsky has partnered with Boeing in

       company biography.                  smooth and seamless transitions and en-  the FLRAA competition and in both efforts

         Lemmo built a career that spanned more   sures we continue to support our custom-  the company is competing head-to-head

       than 30 years.                      ers’ missions without disruption,” Hill said.  with Bell. Q
                BOEING FORECASTS 2,430 MORE
                    FREIGHTERS NEEDED BY 2039

                                            (COVID-19) pandemic along with long-  operating them earn nearly 90% of air
                                            term freighter demand.            cargo industry revenue.”
                   lobal freight operators will   “Freighter operators have been in a   The WACF  which was released recent-

           Gneed approximately 2,430 ad-    unique position in 2020 to meet market   ly forecasts a four percent growth in

           ditional aircraft over the next 20 years,   requirements for speed, reliability and   world air cargo traffic over the next two

           according to Boeing’s biennial World Air   security, transporting medical supplies   decades. The report noted that approxi-
           Cargo Forecast (WACF).           and other goods for people and com-  mately 200 airlines have used more than

             The company has projected that   munities around the world,” said Darren   2,000 passenger widebody aircraft for

           the demand for additional aircraft will   Hulst, Boeing vice president of commer-  cargo-only operations so far in 2020.

                                            cial marketing.
           include 930 new freighters and 1,500                                The forecast also stated that, as of

           converted passenger aircraft.      “Looking ahead, dedicated freighters   September, express carrier traffic has in-

             Boeing said the forecast was designed   will be even more critical to compete   creased 14 percent this year and traffic

           to reflect the “impacts and oppor-  in air cargo markets; they carry more   for all-cargo carriers saw a six percent

                                            than half of air cargo traffic, and airlines

           tunities” created by the coronavirus                               increase over the same time period. Q

                                                 World Airnews | December 2020
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