Page 6 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 6
By Heidi Gibson
lines – two very types of the best and the allegedly negotiated a R100 million kick-
worst Africa has to offer. The piece did so back in order to rig a tender process in
here is a new kid on the block. A well that the next thing we knew Derek was her favour.
Tregional airline in the making. And being interviewed on television. Former board chairperson Dudu Myeni
it’s all thanks to Gidon Novick and Global Here is a little excerpt from his piece. once told Parliament’s standing committee
Aviation a leading operator of the Airbus You can also read the full article on our on finance that there were ghost employ-
A320. World Airnews ran the story in Au- ees on SAA’s books and a call centre in
“The eventual implosion of SAA was
gust and it looks like they are set to take to something that time bombs are made Florida, in the United States, despite the
the skies in two months’ time. of. Years of losses and close to a decade airline not flying to this destination. And
there is so much more.
They just need a name. Go to our website of billions of rands in bailouts footed by
Last but not least: Nseko cites unstable and read more. the South African tax payer proved to be leadership. Think about it, “Since 2009,
As one goes up the other must come unsustainable. Today little has changed, SAA has had a total of 12 CEOs and acting
down according to Newton’s third law of the airline is in a business rescue plan, hun- CEOs including the two stints of Nico
motion. dreds of jobs are on the line. What went Bezuidenhout and the current leadership
Our national carrier South African Air- wrong? he asked. of Philip Saunders. An average of one
ways awaits another bail out of R10 billion He lists government interference at the per year and a really long line of drama at
from the government to pay the voluntary top of the list. “The significant interference the top. With such turmoil, there was no
severance packages of the 3000 staff have by the political structure and involvement chance for long term thinking and conti-
left. At the time of going press everything in crucial decision making at SAA including nuity. This instability also led to a loss of
was still in limbo but I am sure the govern- the hiring and firing of important employ- confidence in the airline.”
ment will supply the funds. ees has proved to be one of the recipes for By contrast, Ethiopian Airways has a
One wonders what this version of SAA the eventual disaster. long-term vision, called ‘Vision 2025’ and
will look like as they promise to be in oper- Corruption is next on the list. “The we could fill pages on their successes.
ation by January 2021. on-going state capture inquiry in South Words and phrases like stable leadership,
The recent opening up of our internation- Africa has shined the light on the rotten good corporate governance, strict business
al borders is a good sign for the tourism culture of corruption at the state-owned principles and a hands-off approach from
industry but rather like a lump of cold cus- airline. In one case, the Gupta family the Government roll off the tongue.
tard. The announcement comes with a long managed to influence the company to Bottom line in aviation is let the guys do
line of countries that we can not travel to relinquish a lucrative route to Mumbai in their jobs.
and who if they dare to come here have to favour of an Indian airline in which they So what does the future hold for avi-
follow stringent health and safety protocols had interests. In another, an executive ation? We take a brief look at the next
at their own expense if they don’t produce step which is unmanned aerial vehicles or
a recent Covid-19 test. UAVs in the larger sense and drones. And
Onto bigger and broader topics. follow the theme through the magazine
Our brand ambassador and business to the last page. Remember we are the
development officer Derek Nseko was only aviation magazine that continues
on CNBC channel 410 this week after he to bring out a print version. You can buy
penned a piece entitled “Africa’s national your copy at Exclusive Books and select-
carriers: a blessing or a curse”. It was an ed Spar stores around the country. We
excellent read about that chartered the just started posting out copies. But don’t
continent’s proud aviation history and hold your breath as who knows when you
ended focussing on SAA and Ethiopian Air- will receive it. Q
World Airnews | October 2020
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