Page 60 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 60


                                                   A MANNED FLIGHT OF ITS

                                                                                   FLYING CAR

                                                              its work on the flying car.
                                                               “We haven't even reached the halfway mark for its appli-
            A Tokyo company has achieved what it says is the first   cations,” said SkyDrive's president, Tomohiro Fukuzawa, who
            manned flight of a flying car in Japan.           formerly worked for Toyota Motor Corp. “We will co-operate
             The vehicle, developed by start-up company SkyDrive Inc rose   with our partner companies to be able to achieve the same
            off the ground to a height of two metres or so under the pilot's   degree of perfection aircraft have.”
            navigation and then flew in circles at a speed of 4 kph. The flight   The single-seater vehicle boasts eight propellers arranged on
            lasted roughly three minutes.                     four sides, resembling the design of a drone. It is roughly two
             The company conducted the first demonstration for media at   metres high and 4 metres in length and width.
            a test field in Toyota, Aichi Prefecture on August 25. It aims to
            put the vehicle into practical use in fiscal 2023 as part of a flying   SkyDrive began manned test flights in December. As of now,
            taxi transportation service it is considering initially for the bay   the vehicle's top speed is 40 to 50 kph. Its longest continuous
            areas of Tokyo and Osaka.                         flight duration is five to 10 minutes.
             On August 28, SkyDrive announced it had raised 3.9 billion   The company said it will continue making improvements to
            yen or (US) $36.8 million from 10 corporations, including   the body of the vehicle and still has to iron out possibilities for
            Development Bank of Japan Inc and NEC Corporation to further   how the vehicle will be used. Q

                  NEWS DIGITAL

                                                BOEING DONATES MILLIONS

         Boeing has donated (US) $10.6 million
          to a group of 20 non-profit organisations
          working to address racial equity and social
          justice in the United States.
           The funding package is part of the
          company's previously announced multi-
          year commitment that includes a mix of
          local and national-level grants aimed at
          increasing the number of minority and
          under-served students pursuing science,
          technology, engineering and math (STEM)
          education and diversifying the aerospace
          talent pipeline.
           Grant money also will fund programmes   our employees live and work. With this   Programme, Equal Justice Initiative, The
          that work to address criminal justice reform   financial commitment to this group of non   Mission Continues, UNCF, the Chicago
          and health care gaps in underserved and   profit partners, we are hopeful that togeth-  Urban League, Long Beach College
          minority communities.             er, we can begin to make real advances in   Promise, Forum to Advance Minorities
           "At Boeing, we acknowledge the toll that   our ongoing pursuit of equality."  in Engineering, Inc, International African
          systemic racism and social injustice have   Over the past five years, Boeing has   American Museum, National Black Child
          had on people of colour, particularly Black   invested more than (US) $120 million to   Development Institute, Space Centre
          communities here in the United States,"   support under-served communities and   Houston, Adrienne Arsht Centre, Girls
          said David Calhoun, Boeing president and   plans to make additional announcements   Inc. of Huntsville, the Urban League of
          CEO.                              related to its racial equity and social justice   Metropolitan St. Louis,
           "As we work internally to confront these   investment strategy in the future.  BE NOLA, Space Foundation, the Turning
          issues, we also remain focused on address-  Nonprofits receiving grant funding   Leaf Project, the Urban League of Portland
          ing the causes and impacts of racism and   include the Seattle Children's Hospital,   and the Youth Celebrate Diversity organi-
          social inequality in the communities where   Chicago Public Schools, DC College Access   sation. Q

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