Page 13 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 13



 How aviation is responding to the needs of cities
                      GNC 355 GPS/Comm Radio

 lectric-powered aircraft is inching
 Eincreasingly closer to reality than ever.   Fully WAAS/SBAS IFR-approach-capable, GNC 355 gives
 Glenn Llewellyn, Airbus General Manager,

 Electrification talks about his thoughts on the

 role that electric-propulsion aircraft technol-   pilots the benefit of flying LPV, as well as RNAV

 ogy can play in creating sustainable futures.
 Zero-emission flight is not the “pipe-  approaches complete with a built-in Comm radio.

 dream” that most people may think.
 Glenn has been working on electric and

 hybrid-electric technologies for aircraft
 since 2014. Today, he leads Airbus teams   Graphical flight plan editing, allowing pilots to more easily edit
 working on electric-powered flight demon-

 strators and eVTOL demonstrators, includ-
 ing Vahana, CityAirbus and E-Fan. His latest   their flight plan based on an ATC amendment or weather.
 project E-Fan X - a complex hybrid-electric

 aircraft demonstrator - is the next step in

 Airbus’ electrification journey. When the

 demonstrator embarks on its first flight in
 2021, the E-Fan X will be a giant leap to-  Interface options includes the G3X Touch, G5, GFC 500/600 as
 wards making zero-emission flight a reality

 by the mid-2030s.    CityAirbus is an urban air vehicle demonstrator designed to be fully-electric   well as select third party autopilots. Additional interface
 and emissions-free. This is just one of the projects that Airbus is working on
 LLEWELLYN    options include pairing GNC 355 with GTX 345 (ADS-B).
 Q. In your opinion, what is the biggest

 challenge facing cities today?
 I’m a huge believer in the power of diverse   Aviation connects people, cultures and
 thought. The healthy conflict that can exist   businesses. It enables mutual under-  Available for Experimental & Certificated Aircraft

 between people approaching a topic from
 different perspectives generates creative   standing and is considered a contribu-  and so many more capabilities...

 magic. I think one of the biggest challenges   tor to world peace. The problem is not

 of future cities is to enable the meeting

 of these diverse thoughts inside cities   aviation. The problem is carbon.

 and between different cities. This means

 ensuring sufficiently fluid interconnections   GLENN LLEWELLYN,
 using zero-emission technology. We’re   AIRBUS GENERAL MANAGER, ELECTRIFICATION
 just starting this journey. The challenge is,

 of course, a technical one, especially for

 larger commercial aircraft. But managing   emissions of our products because we see

 and regulating urban flight will also be a   term. The E-Fan X will test a 2MW electric      a clear societal benefit to aviation. At the

 motor on board a regional transport aircraft.

 significant challenge.  That’s more than 30 times greater than its   same time, we understand the urgency

 Q. How can cities help to create a sustain-  predecessor, the E-Fan! Nothing like this has   to reduce CO2 emissions. It’s already

 able future for our planet?  ever flown before. We’re currently finalising   possible to fly with zero local emissions:

 As more and more of the world’s popula-  the design. We expect to start testing on   we’ve shown that with demonstrators like

 tion lives in cities, it’s important that cities   the ground later this year. As a company, we   Vahana and E-Fan.
 take the lead working with industry and   have the ambition to make zero-emission   In the medium term, we believe electrifi-

 regulators to bring zero-emission tech-  commercial aviation possible. E-Fan X is one   cation will enable lower pricing and greater

 nology to reality. There will be challenges   of the stepping stones to that ambition.  accessibility to more sustainable forms of

 as for any disruptive transition, and it will   Q. Aviation is perceived as a key contrib-  flight. In addition to electric propulsion, we’re

 only be successful through public-private   utor to pollution. And the “anti-air travel   also looking at other options like hydrogen

 partnerships and alliances.  movement” is starting to gain global buzz.   and sustainable fuels. We believe these tech-  15.88 cm wide

 Airbus is already working together with   How do you hope electrification and proj-  nologies can complement each other.

 numerous cities to further develop our   ects like E-Fan X will help to change this   Q. How do you see commercial aviation in

 vision of zero-emission urban air mobility.  perception?  10 years’ time? Will we have electric-pow-  +27 11 701 3244

 Q. You’re currently working on the E-Fan   Aviation connects people, cultures and   ered commercial aircraft? If not, what will

 X project. What do you hope to achieve   businesses. It enables mutual understand-  have been achieved by then?
 with this project?  ing and is considered a contributor to   We have a very clear research target |
 We aim to prove that hybrid-electric aircraft   world peace. The problem is not aviation.   to make the technology available for a   Hangar M1, Lanseria Int Airport

 architecture is a realistic goal in providing   The problem is carbon. At Airbus, we’re   100-seat hybrid-electric aircraft available

 the benefits we expect in the medium   investing to significantly reduce the CO2   by the 2030s. Q  SA CAA    AMO:0003  SADO   D688   NCAA    AMO:FSS|AMO|C3610

 World Airnews | September 2019                   World Airnews | September 2019
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