Page 84 - World Airnews September 2020 Edition
P. 84

NEWS DIGITAL                                                                                                           NEWS DIGITAL

                                      NIGERIAN YOUTH ENCOURAGED

                                      TO IN AVIATION SECTOR

                                                                                 By Bernard Tolani Dada

                                                              Ibom local government area would be upgraded and converted to
                                                              a modern skills acquisition centre to train people on entrepreneur-
         Citizens from the Nigerian region of Akwa Ibom are being   ial skills.
          invited to join state run training programmes to become pilots,   According to him,"We're trying to upgrade the Ikot Ada Idem
          aeronautic engineers and other aviation related professions   Technical College to a skill acquisition centre which would   SWISS AVIATION CRUCIAL FOR
                                                              contribute to the rehabilitation of some of our youths who have
          needed for the airline - Ibom Air.                  fallen prey to social vices."
           State governor Udom Emmanuel said this in his address to the   The governor declared September 1 had been set aside for
          congregation at a chapel meeting at government house Uyo.  special prayers and fasting for Akwa Ibom State preparatory.  JOBS AND PROSPERITY
           Emmanuel said the lack of qualified manpower among citizens is
                                                               The theme for this year's 31st anniversary celebration was "I
          the reason why Ibom Air is dominated by ‘non-indigenous’ people.  believe God" and he called on churches in the state to pray and
           He said, " For a person to fly a CRJ 900 there's a minimum   fast for the attainment of peace, security and prosperity in the
          number of hours he must have on the airplane .We need to have   state                                                                                    Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).  Switzerland should support the Carbon
          our people rated on the aircraft and we'll spend money and train   He said there was a possibility the state would host vice                               Air transport’s contribution to the Swiss   Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for
          our people so that in a short period we'll also have Akwa Ibom   president Yemi Osinbajo who would commission some state                                 economy is significant. The industry at   International Aviation (CORSIA) which is
          names in the cockpit".                              administration projects.                                           The International Air Transport    present supports nearly 207,000 jobs and   due to come into effect in 2020 and will
           Emmanuel said efforts to address the dearth of skilled manpower                                                                                         contributes CHF 27.7 billion to the econo-  help reduce Swiss aviation emissions by
                                                               These would include Kings Flour Mill, Ekim Power Station ,
          in the state included holding an education summit.  Plywood Industry and other road projects with the Uyo Ikot         Association has released analysis showing   my, accounting for 4.1% of Switzerland’s   around 2.7 million tons per year.
                                                                                                                                 that the competitiveness of Switzerland’s
           He said the former Technical College, Ikot Ada Idem in Ibiono   Ekpene road is nearly completed. Q                    air transport sector could generate an   GDP.                          “Environmental sustainability is a key
                                                                                                                                 additional 36,000 jobs and nearly CHF   If the government pursues an agenda   priority for the aviation industry. We’re
                  AIRLINES         EGYPTAIR A220-300 COMPLETES                                                                   13 billion in extra GDP for the nation’s   for competitiveness, an additional 36,000   making great progress reducing emissions
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and with the CORSIA offsetting scheme, we
                                                                                                                                                                   jobs and CHF13 billion will be generated by
                                                                                                                                 economy by 2037.
                                                                                                                                  An IATA study, Switzerland Air Transport   2037.                    can deliver carbon-neutral growth.
                                                                                                                                                                     In contrast, 13,000 jobs could be lost
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “The Swiss government should focus on
                                   MAIDEN FLIGHT                                                                                 Regulatory Competitiveness Indicators,   over the same period if measures to inhibit   encouraging investment in sustainable fuels
                                                                                                                                 has recommended that to maximize the
                                                                                                                                 employment and prosperity opportunities   competitiveness are adopted.  and more efficient air traffic control routes,
                                                                                                                                                                     The most damaging possibility is that a
                                            widest economy seats of any single-aisle   geared turbofan engines to offer at least   created by a successful air transport   passenger carbon tax is imposed.   rather than a passenger tax. Scrapping the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      tax proposal and ensuring that the nation’s
                                            aircraft and panoramic windows for more   20% lower fuel burn per seat compared to   industry, Switzerland should move forward   In the coming months, the Swiss Council   airports operate efficiently will ensure air
                                                                                                                                 with a cost-effective expansion of Zurich
         The first A220-300 for EgyptAir has   natural light. The aircraft which is outfitted   previous generation aircraft.    and Geneva airports, without additional   of States will consider a tax of at least   transport delivers even greater benefits
          successfully completed its inaugural test   with a brand new cabin layout of 134 seats,   With a range of up to 3,400 nm (6,300   restrictions on night flights, and tackle   CHF12 per passenger.  IATA analysis has   to Switzerland in the years to come,” said
          flight from the Mirabel assembly line. The   will now enter its final phase of completion   km), the A220 offers the performance of   aviation carbon emissions by supporting   suggested this measure alone could result   Rafael Schvartzman, IATA’s regional vice
          first of 12 aircraft EgyptAir has on order   before delivery.        larger single-aisle aircraft.                     the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction   in a loss of at least 3000 jobs. Instead,   president for Europe. Q
          is due to be delivered to the Cairo-based   The A220 delivers fuel efficiency and true   More than 80 A220 aircraft are flying with
          airline in the coming weeks.      wide-body comfort in a single-aisle aircraft.   five operators on regional and transcon-
           The A220 for EgyptAir will provide   It brings together state-of-the-art aero-  tinental routes in Asia, America, Europe      AIRLINES
          passengers with superior comfort, its   dynamics, advanced materials and Pratt   and Africa, proving the great versatility of                   SOUTH AFRICA SEIZES AIR
          innovative cabin design featuring the   & Whitney’s latest-generation PW1500G   Airbus’ latest addition. Q
                                                                                                                                                          TANZANIA PLANE

                                                                                                                                                                                     lawyers had arrived in South Africa to investigate.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Air Tanzania said that it expected to make flight schedule
                                                                                                                                South African authorities have seized a plane from Tanzania’s   adjustments “due to unforeseeable circumstances”, but did not
                                                                                                                                 national carrier, the Tanzanian government said.    give any further details.
                                                                                                                                  The Airbus 220-300 was due to fly from Johannesburg, South   The carrier’s managing director Ladislaus Matindi said arrange-
                                                                                                                                 Africa, to the Tanzanian capital Dar es Salaam.     ments had been made for passengers to resume their journey on
                                                                                                                                  It was not immediately clear why the action was taken, and   another flight.
                                                                                                                                 South African authorities have not commented.        The move comes barely two months after Air Tanzania opened its
                                                                                                                                  But a retired farmer has said the aircraft was impounded   service to South Africa.
                                                                                                                                 because Tanzania’s government had not paid him (US) $33m it   Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has led attempts to revive the
                                                                                                                                 owes in compensation.                               state-owned airline, hoping to boost tourism and turn the country
                                                                                                                                  Lawyer Roger Wakefield told an international network the
                                                                                     The first A220-300 for EgyptAir             money was awarded after Tanzania’s government seized lands   into a major transportation hub.
                                                                                                                                                                                      It had just one plane when the president was elected in 2015.
                                                                                            successfully completed               belonging to the South African farmer.              Since then, millions of dollars have been spent on the purchase of
                                                                                             its maiden flight from                                                                  eight new aircraft. But the carrier is battling several multi-million
                                                                                           Mirabel, Canada airport                A Tanzanian government spokesperson said the country’s   dollar lawsuits with its former suppliers. Q

                                                  World Airnews | September Extra 2019                                                                                   World Airnews | September Extra 2019
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