Page 43 - World Airnews August 2020 Edition
P. 43
ombardier Aviation’s Global 7500 has
Breceived business aviati on’s fi rst-ever
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), extron Aviation was awarded a
the culmination of a third-party audit of the Tcontract by Sundit Air for two
aircraft’s life cycle environmental footprint. Beechcraft King Air 350C turboprop aircraft
The EPD is a standardised, globally rec- to support air ambulance and medevac
ognised process, administered by the Interna- missions throughout Greece.
tional EPD System and confirms compliance The Athens-based aircraft will be owned
with ISO environmental standards. by the country's ministry of health, with the
The Global 7500 aircraft is now third-par- Hellenic Air Force overseeing maintenance
ty verified to the highest international ISO and operation in support of disaster relief,
standards. medical rescue, inter-hospital transfer and
It discloses fully transparent environmental repatriation to mainland health care services.
information about the product's life cycle, Medical staff from the national centres
such as CO² emissions, noise, water consump- for emergency care will administer medical
tion and other key environmental impact care to patients aboard the aircraft.
indicators. "The King Air 350 aircraft combines prov-
Bombardier has committed to communicat- en performance with innovative cockpit
ing the environmental performance of all new technology and an easily accessible cabin,
aircraft programmes through EPDs. making it an ideal medevac platform for commodate bariatric patients and incuba- ABOUT THE BEECHCRAFT KING
The publication of the Global 7500 aircraft the ministry of health of Greece," said Bob tors raised by electrically powered loading AIR 350C
EPD is an important milestone in the advance- Gibbs, vice president, Special Mission Sales devices. Additionally, medical cabinets, on- The King Air 350C aircraft is a version of
ment of Bombardier Aviation’s overarching for Textron Aviation. board oxygen with overhead lighting and the King Air 350i twin-engine turboprop
environmental sustainability strategy, which "With the turboprop's impressive short- equipment mounts, stowaway tables and aircraft configured with an optional
encompasses increasing the adoption of Sus- field capabilities and custom-built medical adjustable seats provide an easy-to-sani- cargo door, resulting in enhanced mission
tainable Alternative Fuels (SAF), reducing CO² interior, the Ministry of Health and its tize, comfortable work environment for the flexibility. Two Pratt & Whitney Canada
footprint, enhancing aircraft recyclability and sustainably sourcing, from the design and manufacture of the aircraft to end-of-life. operating partners will be able to serve an medical staff and passengers." PT6A-60A turboprop engines with Hartzell
all as a part of its eco-design approach and in support of indus- “The EPD for the Global 7500 business jet embodies Bombar- enduring mission throughout Greece." To enhance the aircraft's low fixed costs of four-blade propellers power the King
try-wide carbon reduction goals. dier’s commitment both to the environment and to the sustainable The ministry's King Air 350C aircraft is operation, the ministry of health of Greece Air 350C and a fully integrated Collins
“The EPD is third-party verified and complies with the globally advancement of the aviation industry,” said David Coleal president equipped with a cargo door and a Spec- also utilised Textron Aviation's ProAdvan- Aerospace Pro Line Fusion digital avionics
accepted ISO standards - ISO 14025 and related - for type III envi- Bombardier Aviation. trum Aeromed dual stretcher system, tage programme which covers maintenance suite provides pilots with state-of-the-art
ronmental declarations,” said Sebastiaan Stiller director business “Sustainability is entrenched throughout Bombardier’s business which includes redesigned stretchers to ac- costs for a predictable hourly rate. touchscreen controls. Q
‘The International EPD System’. strategy and operations - we want to ensure the longevity of our
The Bombardier Eco-Design team applied its product innova- industry, and to make a positive, meaningful impact along the
tion life cycle process throughout the development of the Global way,” said company President David Coleal.
7500 aircraft to minimize the jet’s impact on the environment, “We want clean skies for future generations.” Q AIRLINES
AAD 2020 POSTPONED Planned deliveries of new Airbus actively recruiting pilots, cabin crew, and
A321neos and Boeing 787-9s have
ground staff," Joyce said.
been deferred.
"We’re now facing a sudden reversal
antas has unveiled a three-
Qyear recovery plan through “We have to position ourselves for of fortune that is no one’s fault but is
department of defence and other key vations that the world’s best in aviation which it aims to cut costs by more than several years where revenue will be very hard to accept. This crisis has left
stakeholders associated with the bienni- and defence has to offer. However, $10 billion by a mix of measures includ- much lower. And that means becoming us no choice but we’re committed to
he Africa Aerospace and De- al flagship event. everyone’s health, safety and security ing 6,000 job cuts and the grounding a smaller airline in the short term,” said providing those affected with as much
Tfence event - scheduled to take South Africa is currently under level 3 come first.” of around 100 aircraft for at least Qantas Group CEO Alan Joyce. support as we can. That includes pre-
place in South Africa, 16-20 September lockdown due to the Covid-19 pan- “We can and will only proceed when 12 months. The airline, which has 29,000 employees, serving as many jobs as possible through
2020 - has been postponed to 21 -25 demic, which restrictions include the it is absolutely safe to do so. We can In a recent statement, the company will have 8,000 back at work by the end of stand-downs, offering voluntary rather
July and 15,000 by the end of this year.
assure you though that we are already
prohibition of any public gatherings, a
September 2022 as a result of the cur- trend also seen around the world during working and planning on delivering an also said it will seek to raise around (US) than compulsory redundancies where
possible, and providing large severance
By June 2022, that number should
rent global COVID-19 pandemic. lockdown phases. enhanced AAD 2022,”said Exhibition $1.3 billion through a new equity issue. reach 21,000 as international flying re- payouts for long-serving employees in
This decision follows the close “We are aware that the postpone- Director, Leona Redelinghuys. The airline is immediately retiring sumes. The temporary surplus of 15,000 particular. As we’ve done throughout
monitoring of the pandemic’s global ment comes as an additional setback to Exhibitors whose participation had its six remaining Boeing 747s, six people will be "managed through a mix this crisis, our decisions are based on the
rollout as well as its prevalence in the the international defence and aero- been confirmed for AAD 2020 can months ahead of schedule. Most of the of stand-down, annual leave and leave facts we have now and the road we see
host country. space industries. The AAD Expo is a contact Redelinhuys on expodir@ 100 grounded aircraft will be part of without pay," Quantas said. in front of us. Our plan gives us flexibility
The organisers made the announce- world class platform to showcase the or Nakedi Phasha on Qantas’s international fleet and some “What makes this even harder is that under a range of scenarios, including a
ment after consultations with the latest advances and technological inno- Q of these may be returned to lessors. right before this crisis hit, we were faster rebound or a slower recovery." Q
World Airnews | August 2020 World Airnews | August 2020
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