Page 16 - World Airnews Magazine August 2020
P. 16


                                  AN OUTSTANDING

                                  AIRCRAFT DESIGNER

              ecently the prominent aircraft de-

       Rsigner, chief designer of the Tu-154,
        Alexander Shengardt, turned 95 years old.
         After graduating from the Moscow

        Aviation Technological Institute in 1948,

        Alexander Sergeevich has been working at
        the renowned OKB A.N. Tupolev for more

        than 70 years. He took an active part in the

        creation of aircraft: Tu-16, Tu-95, Tu-134,
        Tu-155, unmanned aerial vehicles.
         Alexander Sergeevich happened to work
        with the brilliant aircraft designer Andrei

        Nikolaevich Tupolev and his famous stu-
        dents, such as: D.S. Markov, S.M. Eger, A.A.
        Tupolev, L.L. Selyakov and others.
         The talent of the designer and organisa-

        tional abilities of A.S. Shengardt were fully re-

        vealed when he was appointed Chief Designer   all-weather, etc.) made it extremely popu-  In 1990, during the difficult period for

        of the Tu-154 aircraft in 1975, having worked   lar and defined it as the main “air horse”.  Russian civil aviation when moving to

        in this position for 36 years. The legendary   An important creative feature of Alexander   work in market conditions, under the

        aircraft became the most massive medi-  Sergeyevich is the constant search and im-  direction of A.S. Shengardt developed

        um-range jet aircraft of the USSR civil aviation.  provement of the operation methods of his   and put into operation the technology of

         Regular flights on the Tu-154 opened on   aircraft. This applies not only to the Tu-154,   maintenance-free technical maintenance

        February 9, 1972 with the flight Moscow   but also to the Tu-134, whose chief designer   of Tu-154 aircraft in specialised centres for

        (Vnukovo) - Mineralnye Vody. This was the   Alexander Sergeyevich was also a long time.  maintenance and repair, which significantly

        beginning of an era in the development of   Under the guidance of A.S. Shengardt in   increased the economic efficiency of the

        air transportation in the country.   the early 1980s. Tu-154M aircraft with more   operation of these aircraft.

         The Tu-154 aircraft was produced at the   efficient P.A. engines are being created   A.S. Shengardt, as the Chief Designer,

        aircraft factory in Kuibyshev (Samara) for   Soloviev, improved aerodynamics, modern   did a lot of work to create the world's first

        more than 40 years in 1970-2013, in total   avionics, reinforced design, increased flight   aircraft on alternative (cryogenic) fuel - the

        1,026 aircraft of about 10 modifications   range. At that time, it became the most   Tu-155 (based on the Tu-154).

        were manufactured.                 economical among domestic jet passenger   As the patriarch of the domestic aircraft

                                           aircraft. More than 380 Tu-154M aircraft

         Constantly in operation in the 1980s.                                 industry, Alexander Sergeyevich in Russian

        There were 400-450 Tu-154 aircraft, which   were built, which, without exaggeration,   civil aviation enjoys unshakable authority

                                           have become beloved by civilian aviators.

        performed almost half the volume of pas-                               as a talented creator of wonderful aircraft,
        senger air transportation in the USSR. The   Of great importance for the economy   and an owner of in-depth knowledge of

        aircraft was based at almost 40 airports,   of the industry was the work under the   aviation. He is respected not only for the

        almost throughout the USSR.        guidance of A.S. Shengardt on a substantial   highest professionalism, but also sincerely

                                                                               loved for his sociability, attention to the

         Outstanding at that time, the charac-  justified increase in the assigned and over-

        teristics of the aircraft (speed up to 950   haul resources, calendar terms of operation   requests of the operators, wisdom and

        km/h, passenger capacity - 150-180 people,   of the Tu-154, Tu-134 aircraft.  prudence, responsibility and decency. Q
         The Tupolev Tu-154 is a three-engine medium-range narrow-body
         airliner designed in the mid-1960s and manufactured by Tupolev. A
         workhorse of Soviet and (subsequently) Russian airlines for several

         decades, it carried half of all passengers flown by Aeroflot and
         its subsidiaries, remaining the standard domestic-route airliner

         of Russia and former Soviet states until the mid-2000s. It was
         exported to 17 non-Russian airlines and used as a head-of-state
         transport by the air forces of several countries.
           With a cruising speed of 850 kilometres per hour (530 mph)[2]

         the Tu-154 is one of the fastest civilian aircraft in use and has a

         range of 5,280 kilometres (3,280 mi). Capable of operating from

         unpaved and gravel airfields with only basic facilities, it was widely

         used in the extreme Arctic conditions of Russia's northern/eastern
         regions where other airliners were unable to operate. Originally   service until 2016, although noise regulations have restricted

         designed for a 45,000-hour service life (18,000 cycles) but capable   flights to western Europe and other regions. Information thanks to

         of 80,000 hours with upgrades, it was expected to continue in

                                                  World Airnews | August 2020
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