Page 72 - World Airnews Magazine August 2020
P. 72


                                  COVID-19 CRISIS CAN

                                  HELP AVIATION IN

                                  SUSTAINABLE RECOVERY

                                                        The question raised by the Covid-19 crisis is -
                                                       can aviation recover from this with an environ-
                                                      mentally-friendly solution and be intact? In this
                                                     interview* Marina Bylinsky, Head of Sustainabil-
                                                        ity, ACI EUROPE unpacks what is being done
                                                                            and what needs to be done.

                                            their climate ambition with the latest
                                            scientific evidence. Of course, for the   For instance, Schiphol Airport launched a
           f we take a forward looking approach   aviation sector as a whole, the scale of   trial of Taxibot, an electric tow vehicle that

        Iand critically assess the way we man-  the challenge is different, as we have   allows aircraft not to burn fuel while taxiing
         aged the present crisis, we need to look   many more solutions to decarbonise on   – reducing not only CO2, but also local air
         at what we can learn from it for future   the ground than in the air. Our role as   pollutant emissions.
         scenarios. Climate change is going to be a   airports is manifold: we have to first of   IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT IS THE
         source of new crises and hence remains   all reach our own climate goals, but also   MOST IMPORTANT MEASURE IN
         the greatest long-term challenge we face.   to support the broader decarbonisation   ADDRESSING EMISSIONS FROM
                                            of the air transport system. This refers to
          The good news is that the COVID-19 crisis   facilitating more efficient ground opera-  AVIATION OPERATIONS?
         has delivered very concrete insights that can   tions, optimised air traffic management   There is currently no silver-bullet solution
         help us in our sustainable recovery. Firstly,   but also the provision of infrastructure   to the CO2 emissions from air transport,
         it has shown that we need to trust and   and associated services for the use of   so combinations of different measures
         follow the science. Goals and strategies can   Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), and in   need to be implemented. We usually
         no longer be determined by “what we can   the longer run, hydrogen fuelled and   refer to these as the ICAO “Basket of
         achieve” but “what we have to achieve”.   electrified aircraft operations.   Measures”, consisting of technology

          For the aviation sector, it means that we   As new aircraft technologies emerge on   improvements, more efficient opera-

         need to step up our industry-wide climate   the market, the role of airport operators   tions, SAF and market-based measures,
         goals, and align them with the latest   will be critical to enable their deployment.   such as the EU Emissions Trading System

         climate science, namely the need to reach   For instance, if an airline is purchasing an   (ETS) or the ICAO Carbon Offsetting
         Net Zero CO2 emissions by 2050.    electric airplane, it will only be able to fly   and Reduction Scheme for International

          Secondly, COVID-19 has shown how   it once it can be charged at the airport and   Aviation (CORSIA).

         important early action is to address a   benefit from associated maintenance and

         looming crisis, and that delays do have a   handling services. The “deeper” we get into   AND WHAT WOULD BE THE GAME
         significant human and economic cost. The   the decarbonisation of air transport; the   CHANGER FOR AIRPORTS IN THIS

         same is true for climate change. Delaying   more important the role of airports will be   REGARD?
         or reducing the rate at which emission re-  as nodes of climate action, accelerating and   Emissions under the airport operator

         ductions are made today will require more   removing roadblocks for new technologies   control typically refer to heating and

         significant cuts in emissions in the future,   and operations, in cooperation with indus-  cooling of buildings, ground vehicles and

         with higher costs.                 try partners.                     support equipment, on-site processes
          For the aviation sector, this implies that   Speaking about a sustainable recovery   such as waste processing and most

         we have to maintain climate action high   from an airport perspective, we should also   importantly, electricity. The latter on

         on our agenda. Of course, in the current   not forget about its more local compo-  average accounts for roughly 60% of the
         context, we will not be able to deliver on   nents, for instance mitigation of noise and   airport operators’ emissions. From that

         it on our own. This is why public support   air pollution or resources management.    perspective, access to clean electricity

         to the decarbonisation of aviation is more   In these areas as well, we can use the   is absolutely key for airport decarboni-

         important today than ever. Such support   recovery from COVID-19 as an opportunity   sation, and is all the more important
         will help our sector regain its economic   to explore new, innovative approaches.   as it can be used to replace the use of

         viability - which is a prerequisite                                      fossil fuel in vehicles or buildings.
         for safeguarding our ability to keep                                     To access clean electricity, airports

         investing in decarbonisation on our                                      can either procure it, or generate
         own accounts, and ultimately con-                                        it on-site. On-site generation is

         tinue providing social and economic                                      particularly relevant, as it is 100%
         benefits to society.                                                     additional, i.e. creating new green

                                                                                  electricity generation capacity
         THE ROLE OF AIRPORTS?                                                    and thus substituting conventional
         Through ACI EUROPE’s Net Zero                                            electricity. Q
         2050 commitment from June 2019,                                          •          Interview shortened
         European airports already aligned
                                                 W World Airnews | August 2020s | December 2017
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