Page 10 - World Airnews Magazine January 2020 Edition
P. 10
undertaken on the Max was to change
the software of the MCAS by upgrading
pening with the current status the software including changing the work-
In what has been tough Oof sales and delivery of various ing of angle of attack to have feed from
year for the Seattle Boeing aircraft into Africa Santos said the both sensors as opposed to the previous
system that had a feed from one angle of
high order numbers and subsequent de-
based manufacturer, liveries for the Boeing 737-800 Max went attack sensor.
Boeing managing down after the grounding of the aircraft in He noted that already over 850 test and
director for sub- March, but orders for the Boeing 777, 787 production flights had already been done
with the Max with the new MCAS Software
Saharan Africa - Joao and 767 were still on the go especially for that has led to the Max(with the new soft-
the 767 freighter versions.
Miguel Santos, looks However, he said, 2019 had been a tough ware) to accumulate over 1500 hrs.
In terms of Boeing’s relationship with
back at the year that year for Boeing following the grounding of Ethiopian Airlines (ET) after the Max crash,
was and indicates the 737 Max in March that was triggered he noted that the manufacturer’s relations
by the crash of Flight ET302 operated by
what is to come in an Ethiopian Airlines - the second Max crash with ET had been burdened and had been
a bit tense, but they were working hard
exclusive interview after Flight 610 operated by Indonesia Lion to ensure that such an accident doesn’t
Air crashed in October 2018.
with World Airnews He said production had surged to 52 happen again.
He added that Boeing had worked with
correspondent Githae aircraft per month due to the high number ET to make it the strong African carrier
Mwaniki of orders of the aircraft that included 4 737 that it is today as witnessed by the strong
Max delivered to Ethiopian airlines.
Santos outlined that it is Boeing’s desire leadership of ET’s CEO Tewolde Gabrielmar-
to have the Max to return to service by the iam whose management of the airline has
end of year, but this is ultimately to gaining ensured that the airline is meeting growth
approval from the civil aviation regula- targets ahead of schedule. As such more
tors commencing with the FAA, as it’s the investment in customer service has result-
regulator from the state of manufacture ed in better relations as there has been no
that will follow with seeking approvals from cancellation of any of Boeing aircraft orders
other CAAs all over the world and in all by ET or any African carrier.
territories that the Max was flying. In terms of indications that African
He indicated that the work Boeing had airlines were looking for fuel efficient air-
World Airnews | January 2020
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