Page 26 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 26

AIRCRAFT                                                                                                                 DRONES

                                  SPECIAL-MISSION                                                                                                         FAA REMOTE ID RULE -

                                  GULFSTREAMS FOR ITALY                                                                                                   A GOOD MOVE

              he US state department has
        Tapproved the foreign military
        sale of two Gulfstream 550s to the Italian
        government.                                                                                                                      South African drone expert has

         The aircraft will be outfitted for the                                                                                 Athrown his weight behind the

        Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Recon-                                                                             recent final Remote ID rule that will have
        naissance, and Electronic Warfare (AISREW)                                                                              drones or Unmanned Aerial Systems inte-
        role, with L3 Harris at Greenville, Texas, act-                                                                         grated into the US national airspace system

        ing as prime contractor and system installer.                                                                           unveiled recently by the Federal Aviation

         Valued at (US) $500 million, the potential                                                                             Administration.

        sale includes a suite of mission systems,                                                                                 Drone expert Andre Meredith said his com-

        including the Rio communications intelli-                                                                               ments were based on recent news articles

        gence system and MX-20HD electro-optical   known as the MC-55A Peregrine.  eight Gulfstreams for the AISREW mission,    and said he had not had the chance to look in
        turret from L3 Harris, AISREW electronic   Italy’s Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI,   with the first two to be bought as fully   depth at FAA Part 89 and the updates to Part

        warfare suite, and Leonardo Osprey 50   Italian air force) already has two special-mis-  completed reconnaissance platforms. The   107 regarding "operations over people".

        AESA radar.                        sion Gulfstream 550s in service, having   following six would be bought as ‘green’     With this in mind, he said having the Re-
         The aircraft will carry missile warning   bought the conformal airborne early warning   aircraft to be fitted with mission systems   mote ID will certainly improve privacy and

        systems and ALE-47 countermeasures dis-  (CAEW) version - locally designated E-550A -   at a later date. There is some urgency   security management.
        pensers, and have secure embedded GPS/  from IAI. They are flown by the 71° Gruppo as   attached to their acquisition if the AMI   “If law enforcement is empowered to

        inertial navigation systems and identifica-  part of the 14° Stormo at Pratica di Mare.   wishes to operate an all-G550 fleet in the   remotely scan a drone and determine its lo-

        tion friend or foe (IFF).            The AISREW Gulfstreams are expected to   interest of commonality, as that model is   cation, speed, info on ground station then

         Communications includes the Multifunc-  operate from the same base.   nearing the end of production.                   this would provide them with the capability   that do not become effective for as long   2.  Broadcast module – This option, likely

        tional Information Distribution System   In October Italy's annual defence budget   With potentially 10 G550-based spe-  to make an arrest if found to be operating   as 18 to 30 months after the February 28   to be used by many individuals, allows a

                                                                                                                                                                    effective date.

        - Joint Tactical Radio System (MIDS JTRS).   mentioned the purchase of special-mission   cial-mission aircraft in its fleet, the AMI   in contravention of national security and                   small, inexpensive module to be moved

        The aircraft are expected to resemble the   Gulfstreams, with (US) $1.49bn earmarked   has plans to establish a maintenance   general privacy requirements, or outside   “There are many provisions in the initial   between aircraft and UAS, with a single

        Shavit ISR Gulfstreams operated by Israel.   for the programme.        operation in Italy, which could also offer       the safety (regulatory) requirements for   Remote ID proposal that EAA believed were   registration required by the owner for

         Australia also has ordered four of an L3   In December last year the Italian defence   its services to other Gulfstream operators   the type of drone.     unacceptable and we are pleased to see that   all of the units that may use the module.

        Harris-modified ISR version, which will be   ministry revealed plans to acquire up to   in the region. Q                  “Having the drone automatically broad-  many of our comments were incorporated   3.  Flying at an approved, registered fly-

                                                                                                                                                                    in the final rule,” said Sean Elliott, EAA’s vice

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ing site – For traditional model aircraft
                                                                                                                                cast this information would increase safety   president of advocacy and safety.   operators who fly only at a single site,

                                                                                                                                in that perhaps other aircraft and ATC could   “As with any rule, it is not perfect, but EAA   such as a club flying field, no tran-

                                                                                                                                monitor drone position and direction,   feels that the rule is far more workable as a   sponder would be required although

                IATA                                                                                                            which could assist with separation.”  result of the FAA’s consideration of the more   registration is still mandated.

                                                                                                                                  The problem as always, is not regula-  than 50,000 comments it received. This   “AMA deserves a great deal of credit for

                                                                                                                                tion (nor the enabling technology), but   includes our foundational principles that any   its tremendous work over the past year

                                                                                                                                enforcement...                      Remote ID rule ensured that manned aircraft   on this issue and EAA was pleased to work

                      US PRE-DEPARTURE TESTING                                                                                  garding operation over people will only work   continue to have unfettered access to the   with them in many areas where it made a
                                                                                                                                  He said the updates made to Part 107 re-

                                                                                                                                                                    airspace system, no new regulatory burdens

                                                                                                                                                                                                       difference in the final rule,” Elliott said.

                                                                                                                                in South Africa if there is a change to Part   would be placed on manned aircraft opera-  “The rule came a long way from the original

                                                                                                                                101 from a rule-based regulation (requiring   tions, and no new equipment would be man-  proposal. That is a credit to everyone who

                                            surveys show that passengers strongly   Pass, a mobile app to manage infor-         adherence to all aspects of the regulation by   dated for manned aircraft as part of this rule.”  took the time to comment and bring forth

                                            support and are willing to undergo   mation flows around requirements for           all applicants, regardless of the level of risk   EAA’s comments to the Notice of Propos-  ideas to make UAS integration and the

                 he International Air Transport   testing,” said Douglas Lavin, IATA vice   COVID-19 testing and/or vaccine/immu-  involved) to a risk-based regulation.   al Rulemaking (NPRM) were highlighted in   economic benefits that come with it possible

           TAssociati on (IATA) has wel-    president member and external rela-  nity information.                                The new drone regulations published by   several areas of the new rule.   without creating new burdens upon the tradi-

           comed the recent announcement by   tions, North America.            The IATA Travel Pass will enable                 EASA (and in December by UK CAA) are   Those included EAA exclusive comments   tional model community or manned aviation.”
                                              IATA is encouraged by the flexibility

           the United States Centres for Disease   shown by CDC in this order, in terms of   travellers to receive and securely store   risk-based which eliminates loads of work   and those made in concert with other   Meanwhile the National Business Aviation
                                                                             encrypted data on their own mobile

           Control and Prevention (CDC) that   accepting both antigen and PCR testing   devices including verified test or      and requirements compliance by applicants   associations involved in traditional model   Association (NBAA) has stated that the lo-

           would require all travellers to the US to   and in providing passengers who have   vaccination results and to share this in-  for low-risk operations.   aviation and UAS operations, such as the   cation of a drone operator should be made

           show proof of a negative COVID-19 test   already had COVID-19 the ability to   formation with airlines and authorities.   “So the updates to Part 107 for opera-  Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA).  available to police but not to the public, in

           undertaken within three days prior to   demonstrate they are immune.    IATA urged the US government to make         tions over people move it to a more risk-  For those involved in model aircraft and   critique of the FAA’s new Remote Identifica-

           their departure to the US.         “As the efficacy of testing is con-  provision to accept test and immunity        based solution (the text specifically says so)   UAS operations, there are provisions that   tion of Unmanned Aircraft final rule.

                                                                                                                                is good, “ he said.

             “Systematic pre-departure testing is   firmed, we need to move quickly to next   documents shared electronically via the                               require identification to meet national se-  “While NBAA broadly supported many

           key to giving governments confidence   steps - lifting travel restrictions which   IATA Travel Pass.                   Meanwhile in the US, the Experimen-  curity and law enforcement requirements   of the provisions contained in the rule as a

           to reopen markets without quarantine.   prevent travel from Europe and other   “While this order presents operational   tal Aircraft Association recommended   as mandated by Congress. Those include:  foundation for safety, national security and

                                                                                                                                provisions to the Rule that were designed

           Testing will ensure that at current infec-  key markets and removing quarantine   challenges, we will continue to work   to protect EAA members engaged in both   1.  Standard Remote ID – This includes   operational efficiency, concerns regarding

           tion levels, aviation will not become a   requirements imposed by state and   with CDC to achieve a smooth imple-    manned aircraft and traditional model   a transponder in new products, in-  privacy were acknowledged, but not correct-

           meaningful vector of new transmissions   local governments in the US,” said Lavin.  mentation. It definitely is a big step in   aircraft operations.         stalled by the manufacturer, beginning   ed, in this final rule,” the association said. Q

           in the US. Furthermore, IATA traveller   IATA is developing the IATA Travel   the right direction,” said Lavin. Q      The Remote ID rule will formally begin at   no later than February 28, 2022. The   Now also read Hangar Talk on page 48 for

                                                                                                                                                                        signal will include the serial number of
                                                                                                                                the end of this month with many aspects   the product.                 an indepth look.
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