Page 46 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 46

                                                                                                                                                               THE                                    OF THE

                                  AIRBUS ORDERS FALL 65%                                                                                                    AEROSPACE INDUSTRY

          n an indicator of just how significant
       Ithe impact of Covid-19 has been on
       commercial aerospace; Airbus recently re-
       ported a 65% decline in net orders in 2020
       compared to 2019.
         The European manufacturer snared 268
       net orders last year, down from 768 the
       year before, as the pandemic roiled its air-
       line customers and slashed future demand.
         Positive news from the company’s

       December numbers revealed that it did

       deliver 566 new jets last year. While down   optimistic as we look into 2021, although   MAX through almost all of 2020, ended

       34% year over year, it did top what had   challenges and uncertainties remain high in   November with 118 deliveries through the

       reportedly been an informal internal   the short term.”                 first 11 months of last year.

       company goal of 560 deliveries set after the   While orders hint at the kind of future   While both Boeing and Airbus help drive

       pandemic bore down on the globe.    demand that helps support production jobs,   work in Wichita, the city’s commercial aero-
         Those hand overs were aided by an e-de-  deliveries are even more important to the   space industry is primarily reliant on Boeing.

       livery option for Airbus aircraft rolled out   manufacturer’s immediate bottom line.   That includes at Spirit AeroSystems,

       in April that the company said in a press   That’s because they are typically the point at   where Boeing work in 2019 accounted for

       release ending up accounting for more than   which the bulk of an aircraft order is paid.   80% percent of the company’s sales.
       25% of its deliveries in 2020.        The order and delivery news out of Air-  But that portfolio mix is changing, due to

         “Working hand-in-hand with our custom-  bus rival the Boeing Co. is expected to be   lower Boeing production rates and addition-

       ers allowed us to navigate a difficult year,”   far bleaker.            al Airbus and defence work at the company.
       said company CEO Guillaume Faury.     While the company hasn’t yet released its   Spirit CEO Tom Gentile said last year that

         “The Airbus teams, customers and   final tallies for 2020, Boeing ended Novem-  Boeing work would be down to 45% of the

       suppliers truly pulled together in the face   ber in an order deficit of 1,048 jets after   company’s overall total this year, while

       of adversity to deliver this result. We also   factoring in cancellations and accounting   Airbus would grow to 25% and 15% on the
       thank our partners and governments for   protocols.                     defence side. The remaining work will come
       their strong support to the sector. Based   The US manufacturer, which faced the   from the business jet programmes and

       on our 2020 deliveries we are cautiously   prolonged grounding of its workhorse 737   aftermarket services. Q

                 AIR TRAFFIC
                     AIR TRAFFIC AT 1980S LEVELS

                                            “Passenger traffic has been particular-  DFS does not expect the volume of air

                                           ly hard hit in 2020 due to the increasing   traffic to recover quickly, even following

                he volume of air traffic in   numbers of coronavirus cases now   the successful development and initial

          TGermany more than halved as a   being recorded in many countries and   roll-out of coronavirus vaccines in indi-

          result of the coronavirus crisis, accord-  the travel restrictions once again being   vidual countries.
          ing to DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung   imposed as a result of this,” said Dirk   “It will likely be 2025 before we see                                                               Unparalleled line-up of thought-

                                           Mahns, chief operations officer at DFS.

          GmbH. The organisation recorded a   All airports are suffering here, al-  a return to pre-pandemic levels,” said                14-18 November 2021

          total of 1.46 million take-offs, landings   though the two major hubs of Frankfurt   Mahns.                                                                                       provoking content, aerial displays

          and overflights under instrument flight   and Munich are recording the greatest   “Until that time, DFS will collect                     DWC, Dubai Airshow Site                  and game-changing innovations

          rules in 2020 -  the least amount since it   losses in absolute terms. On the other   around two billion euros less in charges
                                                                            than originally budgeted, yet will not
          was founded in 1993.             hand, air freight is encountering only   be able to reduce its costs to the same                                  Follow us on:

           The figure represents 56.2 percent fewer   modest reductions.    degree. After all, the German air naviga-

          than in the previous year, when 3.33 mil-  “Airports that handle a high proportion   tion service provider must keep at least    Book your space today:          #DubaiAirshow

          lion aircraft movements were registered.   of freight have therefore observed signifi-  70 percent of controllers in place - even

           As such, the volume of traffic in Ger-  cantly fewer drops in traffic,” said Mahns.   with very low traffic figures - as the

          many has fallen back to pre-reunifica-  Above all, this applies to Leipzig Halle   tower and airspaces cannot simply be                 Commerical Aviation   |    Aircraft Interiors   |    MRO    |   Business Aviation   |    Air Traffic Management

          tion levels. In 1989 the Federal Republic   Airport, where the number of take-offs   closed. On the contrary, we will contin-                     Space   |   Defence & Military    |    Air Cargo   |   Emerging Technologies   NEW

          of Germany recorded a total of 1.47   and landings was only around 18 per-  ue to provide our service, even during

          million flights.                 cent lower than in the previous year.  times of crisis,” he said. Q

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                                                 World Airnews | February 2021
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