Page 7 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
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mention with regards to these numbers. examples of how it worked elsewhere
Firstly, TPs and smaller jets combined in the world. Last year we published
constitute almost 2/3 of all projected a dedicated report, quantifying the
deliveries, making it the highest propor- potential benefits of the successful
tion in the world. It only highlights the SAATAM implementation among ten
relevance of the segment for Africa as African countries.
per my previous points. I also understand reservations from
Secondly, I believe that this num- particular airlines or governments.
ber is only a baseline, but we can do Successful liberalisation must provide
better than this. The numbers we a truly level playing field to all players
present in our market outlook are involved, and striking the right balance
the outcome of a coherent, strictly is challenging. Yet it can be done. We
analytical methodology that considers should never lose sight from the bigger
the economic indicators, passenger goal: there is absolutely no doubt that
demand forecast, existing fleet age market liberalisation would bring bene-
and structure, etc. It also considers fits to the entire African market.
the historical trends.
But as I mentioned, to fix some of the WAN : HOW HAS THE COVID-19
structural challenges, Africa needs a VIRUS AFFECTED THE WAY IN
strategic shift that would break some
of those trends. If it successfully does WHAT CHANGES HAVE BEEN
so, the potential in our segment will be HAVE BEEN OVERCOME?
even higher.
Thirdly and finally, those numbers CP: Like everyone else in our Cesar Pereira
represent only the new aircraft deliver- industry we had to slow down.
ies. On top of that, I see some African Fortunately, so far, we have not had a VICE PRESIDENT, EUROPE, MIDDLE
carriers, especially those flying with single cancellation of our orders, but EAST & AFRICA – EMBRAER
lower utilisation, deciding to go for a several deferrals forced us to adjust COMMERCIAL AVIATION
mid-life, pre-owned Embraers. We’ve our factories’ production rate. We Cesar Pereira is the new Vice President
seen this trend over the last few years, have also re-prioritised some of our of Embraer Commercial Aviation for
and I expect it to continue. engineering efforts to address some Europe, Middle and Africa, to be based in
We do not provide sub-regional split of our customers’ burning, Covid- the Embraer’s regional headquarters in
for those numbers, but I would say related, challenges. Among others, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
that the potential is equally distributed we developed the cargo solutions for
across the continent. the E-Jets, certified the HEPA filters Cesar has been working at Embraer for 17
for the ERJ family, and introduced the years, and prior to his current role he was
WAN: WHAT IS EMBRAER’S remote aircraft delivery process. the Vice President of Embraer Commercial
VIEW ON THE SINGLE AFRICAN For me, and the entire sales team, the Aviation for Asia Pacific, based in Singapore.
AIR TRANSPORT MARKET way we interact with customers had to His career at Embraer has also seen him
PHILOSOPHY WHICH CALLS change dramatically. Just like everyone work in several other divisions such as
FOR GREATER COLLABORATION else, we are also victims of the global Product Development, Market Intelli-
AMONG AFRICAN AIRLINES? travel restrictions. gence and Sales Engineering where as a
CP: Our view is pretty straightforward. But in all of that, we do believe that Director, he led the worldwide marketing
We wholeheartedly support all initia- we don’t have to materially change the and sales support activities for Commer-
tives that advance market liberalisation core of our strategy and value proposi- cial Aviation.
and foster airline collaboration. It’s the tion. Our vision of the market has always Cesar is Brazilian and holds a Bachelor’s
most efficient way to boost connectivi- been centred around the more sustain- degree in Civil Engineering, a Master’s degree
ty, traffic volumes and competitiveness able, resilient and profitable growth. We in Aeronautics, MBA in Enterprise Manage-
- all at the same time. And it’s not only have a feeling that this vision has never ment, and courses at Harvard Law School.
a theory, but you also have plenty of been more relevant than today. Q
World Airnews | February 2021
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