Page 49 - World Airnews Magazine April 2021 Edition
P. 49
Starlite’s mission-ready fleet solutions to client specific
of H215 Airbus Super Puma requirements.
helicopters and fixed wing air-
craft, are the workhorses of the A PROUD AFRICAN HISTORY
companies remote operations, During the Ebola outbreak,
performing particularly well in Starlite was the first operator
the harshest environments in to evacuate patients in 2014.
Africa. The company has used this to
Further challenges of operat- leverage their expertise and
ing in a landlocked country are experience in response to the
the diverse seasonal weather Covid-19 pandemic.
conditions, from week-long There is no doubt that, given
sand storms to intense tropical the critical need for medical
storms and micro-bursts, along services across Africa, that we
with year round heat extremes, shall see Starlite expanding
all familiar to crew and medical its reach into neighbouring
personnel who have operated countries in the near future.
in some most austere environ- Starlite’s operational versality
ments world-wide. and ability to mobilise a variety
These aircraft are on 24/7 of aircraft with interchangeable
standby, for medical emer- configuration options in
gencies. Helicopters provide response to any rapid call to
transportation of patients from action, is one of the company’s
the point of crisis in remote major strengths.
areas to medical facilities. This backed up by a dedicated
Starlite is a forward-thinking, operations team with years’
progressive company. They of combined experience in
employ a highly effective planning and implementation
team at the helm. Fiona for complex contract work
McCarthy, managing director makes for another strong point.
of operations and accountable Starlite’s people involved
manager, Nicolette Papaphotis, are innovative and forwarding
flight operations manager and thinking in their approach, all of
Tabitha Nicholson, medical which combine to ensure their
operations manager, are a clients’ needs are more than
formidable force who work met. Operating an extensive and
tirelessly to ensure solutions superior fleet of helicopters,
to Africa’s needs are met at all with a proven track record, in
levels. some of the harshest environ-
Having operated in 30 ments, Starlite Aviation is a
countries and on five proudly African operator.
continents in some of the most Their highly skilled air and
challenging environments in ground crew in the medevac,
aviation for more than two rescue and relief, passenger and
decades, Starlite prides itself cargo transportation, marine
on being experts at taking on salvage, firefighting, and oil and
complex assignments in remote gas sectors, makes Starlite a
and austere locations, focusing strong contender to tackle any
on fast deployment to provide challenging aviation work. Q
World Airnews | April Extra 2021
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