Page 23 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 23




                                                                        ne of Africa's leading on-demand transport operators
                                                                OAlfa Air used the Covid-19 pandemic to their own

  Windhoek based aviation solutions company,                    advantage taking the time to complete work that they were not

 AWestair aviati on helped to provide the air                   able to do during normal circumstances.
 transport needed to facilitate the first visit by secretary-     Based in Casablanca, Morocco CEO and founder Chakib Lahri-

 general of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) to           chi said, “ We got through the four-month lockdown by doing

 an African member state since the start of the COVID-19        work on our planes. We repainted and we redesigned. We refur-

                                                                bished our fleet and we updated our maintenance.”
 pandemic.                                                        As a result of this, the company did not have to let go staff and

 The three-day official visit to Namibia reaffirmed UNW-        were able to maintain their team.

 TO’s commitment to the continent and featured a series of

 high-level talks aimed at strengthening existing partner-        “Now we are resuming our activity and we are recruiting pilots
 ships and looking to a sustainable, resilient future.          and mechanics,” said Lahrichi.

 As the United Nations specialized agency for tourism, UN-        Alfa Air offers private charter flights and its fleet consists of

 WTO has guided the sector’s recovery and restart from this     Falcon 10, Falcon 20 and Jetstream 32. The company offers

 unprecedented crisis.  It has worked directly with its African   business aviation and medical evacuations in Europe, Africa and
 member states, including Namibia, to adapt the 2030 Agen-      the Middle East.
 da for Africa: Tourism for Inclusive Growth, a roadmap for       “We operate to and from Morocco. This country, has a vibrant

 the responsible growth of tourism across the continent.        tourism industry and offers several advantages such as the sea,

 The visit was the first chance to follow up on virtual meet-   the mountains, the desert. There is ecological tourism, medical
 ings and advance the preparations for the restart of a sector   tourism, business tourism - all kinds of packages - something for

 upon which millions of African livelihoods depend.             everyone who wants to visit this beautiful country.”

 Westair Aviation flew secretary-general Zurab Polo-              He said while it has been a struggle to continue to exist the

 likashvili (UNWTO) from Windhoek to Sossusvlei for one         company is supported by a strong management team.

 night. Thereafter they flew to Swakopmund for a second           “We have been around for 13 years. We started with one plane
 night and returned the next morning back to Windhoek.          and now we have four in full ownership. Step by step we have

 “Between Sossusvlei and Swakopmund we did a beau-              continued and our strength lies in our wisdom,” he said. Q

 tiful scenic flight above the Namib Desert, along the Skel-
 eton Coast past 100 year old diamond camps, a German
 Shipwreck from 1907, an UK shipwreck from 1976, seal               NO MATTER WHAT MAKE,
 colonies with a collection of more than 200 000 seals,” said

 a spokesperson from the company.                                   MODEL OR SIZE.
 Pololikashvili met with the president Hage G. Geingob

 to talk about realising the potential of tourism to drive          Insure now with
 sustainable development, including youth, women and                DJA Aviation.

 rural communities.
 He commended the head of state for his leadership,

 particularly with regards to the international tourism

 revival initiative which includes the key health and safety

 protocols drawn up by UNWTO. Q
                                                                    DJA Aviation is the longest-established aviation insurance
 an experienced and highly qualified   co-ordinator.                broking specialist in the South African insurance market and a

 workforce of aircraft engineers and   “When the tourism and airline sectors   market leader in developing customised insurance products for

 reative thinking from employees   pilots keep the doors open.  fell away we gained business in other   the aviation industry. We employ more than 30 staff and utilise

 Cinto areas not explored, assisted   Westair Aviation operates in Mali,   sectors like repatriation flights, oil and   this great depth of aviation insurance knowledge, skill and

 Namibia based Westair Aviation to   Ethiopia, Angola, Senegal, Guinee,   gas mining and film crew“ he said.  expertise to manage our clients’ aviation insurance portfolios.
 weather the Covid-19 pandemic.  South Africa and Mozambique and the   Westair provides a range of services

 Based at Eros Airport, Windhoek   company specialises in turn-key aviation   including aircraft asset and operational

 - Westair Aviation opened its doors   services that comply with standards   management, leasing, offshore

 in 1967 as an aircraft maintenance   required by the mining and oil and gas   operations: fixed wing and rotary wing,

 organisation and has grown over the   sectors.   maritime patrol and oil spillage, ACMI

 past 50 years to become the most   “Business dropped a lot unfortunately   contract operations (BARS & IOGP),   PROUD SUPPORTER OF

 experienced private aviation company in   but it also created new opportunities   VIP charters, cargo flights, scheduled   GUIDE-DOGS ASSOCIATION

                                                                         THE SOUTH AFRICAN

 Namibia.   with repatriation flights and other   passenger and freight operations,

 Operating a fleet of more than 44   international flights between southern   charters and fly-in-safaris, geophysical   Defining the Right Approach to Aviation Insurance

 aircraft, the company is able to provide   and western Africa and also Europe.   survey flying, emergency medical

 a solution for almost any mission.   We are happy to say that tourism is   evacuation flights / air ambulance | Tel: 0800 FLYING

 More than 100 employees, including   picking up again and we’re positive for   services flight training and aircraft
 the future,” said Marco Theron, charter   maintenance and refurbishment. Q  An Authorised Financial Service Provider FSP No. 15808
 World Airnews | December 2020                     World Airnews | December 2020
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