Page 4 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 4

AFRAA                                                DRONES

        Aviation in Africa during Covid-19                                                 26  Hyundai 2026 aim to commercialise unmanned system    33
        New era for the air transport industry in Africa   27  Drones in Malta                              42

        A call for greater co-operation                                                          28  Drones can help understand fire risk      46

        A structured and co-ordinated Covid-19  response      29
                                                             US EMS operator grows its fleet                35

        A beautiful “duet”                          10 - 11
        Why the wings of the Boeing 787 are curved      34           SAF

        TU-160M2 Blackjack takes first flight         42     Automated technology in Africa                 33

        Airbus receives order for 38 Typhoons         45     Rolls-Royce to test sustainable aviation fuel      35

                AIRLINES                                     Sustainable aviation fuel                  36 - 38
        Ryanair expects bounce back in 2021            6             SAFETY
        A perfect time for a London launch              9    ACI-ICAO airport safety qualification launched      40

        Westair transports UNWTO in Namibia            20
        Leaders in jet charter                         21            SAPFA
        Air Zimbabwe makes key appointment             22

        Fly540 to go global                            23    Hot conditions                                 44

        UAE national carrier to start flying to Tel Aviv next spring     24

        Qatar Airways brings the changes at King Shaka     39        TRAVEL

                                                             African aviation travel                    17 - 18

                                                             Calls for more domestic airlines increase      22

        Facial recognition for airports            12 - 13   Kenya voted as top tourist destination         24

        Wellness app makes debut at Albany International      16  South Africa allows travel to all countries      25

        More collaboration is needed                30 - 31  Borders are open to some foreign travelers       26

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        Official journal of:-

        Commercial Aviation Association of Southern Africa,

        The Airlines Association of SA,  The Association of SA

        Aircraft Traders,  Association of Training Organisa-

        tions of SA, Aerodromes & Airports Association of SA,

        Association of Aviation Maintenance Organisations,

        SA Society of Aerospace & Environmental Medicine,

        Helicopter Association of Southern Africa,  Aircraft

        Owners & Pilots’ Association of SA,   Air side Opera-
        tors’ Association of SA,  SA Aerial Applicators Associ-

        ation,  East African Commercial Aviation Association,

        African Airline Association (AFRAA) Media Partner.
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020
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