Page 59 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 59


                               A GREAT LANDING

                This Airbus A330-243(MRTT) Voyager KC.3 carrying the military serial number ZZ334 is seen landing on runway 13
              at Malta International Airport with some menacing weather in the background. There are two squadrons within the
                Royal Air Force that fly the type 10 and 101. The squadrons are both based at Brize Norton. Photo by Andre Abela


                                   LEADERSHIP CHANGES

                                                              the crisis. Those efforts have made our association even more
           The International Air Transport Association (IATA) an-  “With today’s leadership announcements we can be assured
           nounced leadership changes approved by the 76th IATA Annual   that IATA remains in good hands. Robin will be a strong leader
           General Meeting.                                   for the BoG. I am confident that Alexandre will continue to be an
            •   Robin Hayes, CEO of JetBlue is now the chair of the IATA   authoritative voice for the industry as he completes his term as
                board of governors succeeding Carsten Spohr, Chair   director general and CEO. And Willie will take up the mantle from
                IATA BoG (2019-2020) and CEO of Lufthansa. Hayes will   April with the fierce leadership determination for which he is
                serve a term commencing immediately and ending at   well-known,” said Spohr.
                the conclusion of the Association’s 78th Annual General   Hayes was named president of JetBlue in 2014 and appointed
                Meeting to be held in 2022.  Hayes will serve an extended   CEO in 2015, a position that also encompasses subsidiaries
                term as chair covering two AGMs due the disruption to   JetBlue technology ventures and JetBlue travel products. He
                governance cycles necessitated by the COVID-19 crisis.  joined JetBlue in 2008 as executive vice president and chief
            •   Rickard Gustafson, CEO of SAS Group will serve as   commercial officer after a 19-year career with British Airways.
                chairman of the board from the conclusion of the 78th   “These next months will be critical. There is much work to
                IATA AGM in 2022 until the conclusion of the 79th AGM in   be done to re-open borders with testing. And we are making
                2023, following Hayes’ term.                  preparations for the eventual global distribution of vaccines. I
            •   Willie Walsh, former CEO of International Airlines Group   look forward to working with Robin to move as far as we can
                will become IATA eight director general from 1 April 2021.   on these and other critical IATA projects before handing over to
                He will succeed Alexandre de Juniac, who has led IATA   Willie during March. In the meantime, I congratulate Willie on his
                since 2016 and who will step down at the end of March   appointment, and I thank Carsten and the other Board members
                2021.                                         for their support during my time at IATA,” said de Juniac.
            •   The nominating committee’s recommendations for   “I am honoured by the confidence placed in me to take on the
                appointments to the BoG were approved.        responsibilities of IATA Director General. The job of IATA director
            “I am pleased to be ending my term as chair of the IATA BoG   general comes with great responsibility for an industry that is
           with strong leadership in place to see IATA through the crisis and   critical to the economic and social wellbeing of the world. I look
           lead the industry towards recovery. I thank all the members of   forward to continuing the transformation started by Alexandre,
           the BoG and Alexandre for their support over the 18 months that   making IATA an even more effective association that meets the
           I have served as BoG Chair - particularly during the crisis period.   needs of its members and exceeds their expectations,” said
           That support enabled extraordinary efforts by IATA during   Walsh. Q

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