Page 71 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 71
Now this one isn’t a drone, but it lets you fly drones in a game.
The DRL SIM is from the Drone Racing League, which is behind
some of the biggest drone races broadcasted worldwide. The DRL
SIM allows you to learn to fly racing drones without spending a
lot of money. FPV drones can become expensive when crashing
with new parts. Using a simulator allows you to skip all of this and
continuously improve your flying.
The DRL SIM is the perfect gift for someone that loves gaming
and loves drones. Since it isn’t expensive, it is the perfect gift
to give a digital stocking stuffer and be a winner. The game also
allows you to train before venturing out to a real racing drone. I
first learned in the simulator, and I’d recommend everyone to learn
the same way.
You can purchase the DRL SIM for Xbox as well as for PC. Both are
30% off thanks to Black Friday deals.
The Ryze Tello
The Ryze Tello is a collaboration project between Ryze and drone By no means is this a photography drone, but it is an impressive
giant DJI. little quad for the size and price. I have flown the Tello in the past
The Ryze Tello is targeted at people wanting to learn to code with and had a great time with it. I was able to fly it with my phone, a
a drone and those wanting to see what it’s like to fly a drone for controller, and was even able to program it to fly around my house
the first time. As it is built with DJI, the drone has the same great autonomously. I’d definitely this to anyone looking for a fun way to
stabilization as the rest of its drones. It features a camera capable code or if you are interested in getting your hands on a fairly cheap
of recording at 720p, takes photos at 5 MP, and has a flight time of drone. Q
committee, Sky and Space Intergroup perspective, the EU Institutions should
(SSI) vicechair, Christophe Grudler, MEP, increase public co-funding for civil aviation
Recently the fifth EU Aeronautics member of the industry, research and research and develop public incentive tools
Conference gathered EU decision-makers energy committee, SSI vicechair, Patrick for sustainable alternative fuels and fleet
and industrial representatives to discuss Ky, executive director of the European renewal.”
tools, decisions and actions needed at EU Union Aviation Safety Agency, Alessandro Adina-Ioana Vălean, European
level to support the European aeronautics Profumo, president of ASD and CEO of Commissioner for Transport gave the
industry through two unprecedent Leonardo, Guillaume Faury, CEO of Airbus, concluding remarks of this high-level online
challenges: recovering from the COVID-19 Arndt Schoenemann, managing director seminar.
crisis and fulfilling its commitment towards of Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH She commended the recent Aviation
the European Green Deal and the climate and Philippe Petitcolin, CEO of Safran Round Table Report1 which brings together
neutrality objective by 2050. Exchanges. the whole aviation sector with a plan to
Co-organised by the Sky and Space The panellists all noted that the industry make sure that the recovery transforms
Intergroup and the AeroSpace and Defence had been strongly affected by the COVID- the sector into a more sustainable one.
19 crisis, not only major Original Equipment
Referring to InvestEU and the Recovery
Industries Association of Europe (ASD), the Manufacturers and their workforce but and Resilience Facility, she underlined that
now well-established annual conference also on the many supply chain companies “it is vital that the national recovery and
took place as a virtual high-level seminar. including mid cap suppliers and SMEs. resilience plans address the needs of the
The event gathered high-level speakers aeronautics sector”.
Panellists called for immediate actions
from the EU institutions and industry and coordination at European level for the
such as Adina-Ioana Vălean, European restart of the international civil aviation She highlighted the key role played by the
Commissioner for transport, Marian-Jean and for continued investments into actions EU, with medium to long-term measures
Marinescu, MEP, member of the transport that will help the decarbonisation of civil such as the upcoming RefuelEU aviation
and tourism committee, chair of the Sky aviation in the medium and long term. initiative.
and Space Intergroup, Cristian-Silviu Bușoi, Finally, she echoed the call made by the
MEP, chair of the industry, research and Marian-Jean Marinescu MEP (EPP), industry during the panel discussion, by
energy committee, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, SSI Chair, said "the cornerstone of the emphasising the commission’s efforts to
MEP, vicechair of the transport and tourism Aeronautics sector recovery is the encourage a co-ordinated and harmonised
committee, Isabel García Muñoz, MEP, proactive role that should play the EU. approach regarding tests and travel rules
vicechair of the budget control committee, Public support at EU-level is key to meet to support a faster recovery of the civil
member of the transport and tourism the 2050 climate neutrality goal. In that aviation supply chain. Q
World Airnews | December Extra 2020
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