Page 57 - World Airnews Magazine May 2021 Edition
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needs to be much longer than a concrete or asphalt runway. With aircraft capable of flying the distance and landing successfully.
such a low friction surface, brakes cannot be used to slow the Of course. military aircraft, such as US Air Force C-130 and C-17
aircraft, and instead, it must rely entirely on reverse thrust to slow military transport plane, and the Hercules LC-130H, remain much
after landing. more common sights, but the use of Boeing and Airbus commercial
This is possible but requires much more distance. The runway jets is increasing.
at Wilkins for example is over three kilometres long. The surface As well as the A319, the narrow body Boeing 737 and 757 have
also needs to be kept totally free of snow, which does blow across operated flights to blue ice runways. The 737 first flew in 2019,
the surface. This is achieved with graders and snow blowing operated by PrivatAir and chartered by the Norwegian Polar
equipment, but obviously can be difficult during poor weather. Institut.
Thin grooves are also cut in the ice surface to improve grip. A 757, from Icelandic carrier Loftleider Icelandic Airlines, flew
Naturally, operators and pilots need to stay very aware of from Punta Arenas in Chile to Union Glacier in 2017, organized
weather and atmospheric conditions. This will be checked during by Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions. Titan Airways flew its
flight, but the fact that aircraft carry enough fuel for the return all-business-class 757 to the Russian base at Novolazarevskaya
journey would mean they could still abort the flight if conditions in early 2020, as a charter carrying participants in the World
were not suitable on arrival. Marathon Challenge. And in the same season, Titan operated a
widebody 767 (for the first time) six times between Cape Town
It’s not just the A319 that is operating to Antarctica. The use of
blue ice runways opens up aviation to many other commercial Article courtesy:
and address matters of prime be undertaken without a strong and
importance and interest for the air enhanced collaboration between airports
The African Airline Association transport industry on Africa. and airlines. The MoU signed between
(AFRAA) and Airports Council International • Joint events (webinars, trainings, ACI Africa and AFRAA was long overdue.
Africa (ACI Africa) have signed a memoran- workshops, etc.) on how to render I am delighted that the collaboration
dum of understanding to materialise their air travel more affordable in Africa. between our two organizations is being
co-operation. AFRAA secretary general Berthé said, “The brought to an altogether new level, paving
Under the framework, AFRAA and high cost of airline operations in Africa the way for a constructive stakeholder
ACI Africa will mutually support the negatively impacts the viability of African engagement based on mutual trust and
development of the air transport industry airlines and hinders the sustainable growth respect. This MoU will indeed facilitate
in Africa through collaborative actions of air transport industry in the Continent. the concrete and tangible delivery of
to address safe, secure, seamless, One of the constituents of these high costs services by both our organizations and
environmentally-friendly and affordable is the high aviation-related taxes in the the implementation of joint actions to
air travel, among others. region. Through concerted efforts under advance the air transport industry on the
Signed by Abderahmane Berthé, AFRAA the framework of this MoU, AFRAA and continent.” Q
secretary general and Ali Tounsi, ACI Africa ACI Africa will foster regular
constructive dialogues with
secretary general, the two organisations the respective members of
will align their actions and work jointly in our organizations on aviation
areas amongst others: taxes which will lay the
• The promotion and sharing of best foundation for joint actions
practices to foster constructive and advocacy.”
engagement between airport “This MoU, which comes
operators and air carriers, safety at a time most needed
enhancement initiatives in line with when the industry is
the Abuja Safety targets. navigating turbulent times,
• Promotion and implementation of will commit both our
new technologies in air travel. organisations to a stronger
• Data and intelligence sharing working relationship for the
• Affordable airfares in Africa using a development of air transport
holistic approach for the reduction in Africa,” said Berthé.
of the cost of air travel. ACI Africa secretary
• Focused Think Tank group, led general Ali Tounsi said, “The
by AFRAA and ACI Africa and development of a safe,
comprising subject-matter experts secure, and financially viable
in airports and airlines, to exchange and sustainable air transport
views, steer constructive dialogues industry in Africa cannot
World Airnews | May Extra 2021
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