Page 12 - World Airnews Magazine February 2020 Edition
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ith the delivery in December of the 78th combat-coded
WLockheed Martin F-35A to Hill AFB, Utah, the base be- positions and engage targets heads-up and intelligence. Detect and store intelligence
came the first in the U.S. Air Force to achieve Full War fighting Capa- eyes out. ensures that once a target has been
bility (FWC). Hill is home to the 388th (active-duty 12th AF) and 419th D Helicopters anticipates live acquired, the crew can choose to attack
(Air Force Reserve Command) Fighter Wings, which jointly operate Mfi re events with a produc- WEAPONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM with guided weapons from a distance, or
the F-35 fleet in three squadrons (4th, 34th, 421st Fighter Squadrons). tion-quality test asset in 2020. (WMS) unguided munitions using the ballistics
Each of the squadrons has 24 Primary Assigned Aircraft (PAAs), MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI) announces The advanced digital WMS will allow the Continuously Calculated Impact Point
while the parent 388th Operations Group also has six back-ups. a strategic teaming agreement with Elbit MD 530G BII Scout Attack Helicopter (CCIP) displayed over the HDTS.
Hill received its first combat-ready F-35A in September 2015 and Systems Ltd (ESL) to deliver next-gener- to support a comprehensive array of The enhanced Integrated Weapons
has built its force up to the full complement to achieve FWC at the ation weapons and mission management suppressive firepower options as well System, certified and in use on fixed and
rate of around two aircraft per month in a little over four years. On January 6 the 388th/419th Fighter Wings at Hill capabilities to its MD 530G Block II (BII) as unguided and guided munitions, rotary wing medium and heavy attack
FWC also includes the wings having a full roster of trained pilots AFB, Utah, staged a mass “elephant walk” by 52 F-35As Scout Attack Helicopter. The proven, including Hellfire Missile and, with platforms already in service with U.S. and
and maintainers, and a full set of support equipment. The delivery during a Combat Power Exercise. (Photo: U.S. Air Force) pilot-centric Integrated Weapons System authorized customer demand, APKWS. Allied forces around the world, will deliver
and acceptance process was streamlined by Hill’s technicians to (IWS) is comprised of a Helmet Display Standard configuration includes support greater mission flexibility and improved
the point that, for recent deliveries, newly-delivered aircraft were wing as undertaken two Middle East combat deployments, in which the and Tracking System (HDTS), Weapons for M260 Rocket Pods, HMP 400 Digital operational performance, making the
available for operations within 24 hours of arrival. aircraft saw combat for the first time in U.S. Air Force hands. Management System (WMS) and Mission Gun Pods, RMP Digital Gun/Rocket Pods, already multi-mission-capable MD 530G
FWC falls short of Full Operational Capability (FOC) for the USAF’s During 2019, the active-duty and reservist wings proved that Management System (MMS). and the M134D-H Mini-Guns. Critical perfectly suited for Close Support opera-
F-35A, which requires additional force-wide requirements to be they could successfully support and operate the three squadrons “Design and disruption are the cor- weapons management functions, such as tions including attack, forward air control,
met but is a significant milestone on the path to FOC. at different deployed bases, carefully balancing the deployment of nerstone of all product development weapon activation and HDTS operation, armed reconnaissance, counter-insurgency,
“Every training opportunity, exercise, and deployment we’ve support equipment to ensure that mission requirements could be efforts,” said Lynn Tilton, Chief Exec- will be integrated into the cyclic grip and and observation.
completed over the past four years has been a key stepping stone met. The 4th FS was on a Middle East operational deployment, the utive Officer for MD Helicopters, Inc. collective for both pilots. “These are exciting times at MDHI,”
in reaching full war fighting capability,” said Colonel Steven Beh- 34th FS spent two months at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, while “This partnership with Elbit Systems, MISSION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM said Stephen Suttles, Vice President of
mer, 388th Fighter Wing commander. “This is just the beginning of the 421st FS was in Europe. For one seven-day period in 2019, the Ltd. will allow us to rapidly expand the (MMS) Commercial and Military Sales and Mar-
sustained F-35A combat operations, and we will remain focused on wings had F-35s operating from nine countries. capabilities of the MD 530G, resulting in keting for MD Helicopters, Inc. “Com-
staying ready to deploy whenever, wherever we’re needed.” On January 6 the 388th and 419th FWs conducted a Combat a next-generation, advanced light scout The main component in the MD 530G BII petition is a good thing in our business.
The 34th Fighter Squadron was the first to declare an initial opera- Power Exercise that generated 52 mission-ready aircraft. The ex- attack helicopter solution that will set Scout Attack Helicopter MMS is the Digital We believe that the limited market
tional capability (IOC) in August 2016, following a first overseas deploy- ercise validated the ability of the wings to dispatch a large force of a new standard in this highly com- Mapping application (DMAP) managed by penetration by others in this space is an
ment by six aircraft to RAF Lakenheath in England. Subsequently, the Hill F-35As and underlined the milestone of achieving FWC. Q petitive class.” a touch screen graphical user interface incredible advantage for us, and we are
confident in our ability to deliver equi-
(GUI). This moving map display will give
In line with MD Helicopters’ commit- pilots greater situational awareness with table precision capabilities backed by an
SAAF C-130BZ HERCULES ment to delivering excellence and innova- aircraft positions, known threats, and unmatched history of safety and surviv-
tion in design, the integrated, advanced
ability sooner than our competitors, and
friendly locations plotted. The aircraft’s
avionics suite utilizes an intuitive Human EO/IR solution will integrate directly with at a much better price point.”
CRASH LANDS Machine Interface (HMI), multi-functional the new MMS to enable detect and store “A proven and iconic light scout
smart displays and
attack helicop-
the addition of
African Defence Review Director C-130BZ was not tasked to protect applications to de- ter platform,
liver a fully com-
Darren Olivier said the incident is a South Africans,” he said. patible multi-mis- this elegant,
C-130BZ Hercules transport “big blow” for the SAAF. “Even if this Just how dependent the South African sion cockpit that technically su-
Aaircraft of the South African C-130BZ is repairable, I doubt they will military is on the Lockheed Martin reduces pilot perior solution
Air Force (SAAF) crash landed at Goma be able to afford to repair it on their turboprop medium transport came from workload, increas- elevates the
airport in the eastern Democratic Re- meagre budget, especially with the diffi- Dean Wingrin, webmaster of the un- es efficiency of MD 530G BII to
public of Congo (DRC) recently. culty of replacing an outer wing section official SAAF website and defenceWeb crew operations, best-in-class
status,” Tilton
The aircraft, from Air Force Base in an austere location like Goma.” correspondent. and delivers concludes.
Waterkloof’s 28 Squadron, was trans- “The C-130BZ that crashed at Goma is “The aircraft (403) was in Egypt increased lethality “My team
porting 59 passengers and eight crew confirmed as serial 403. The left wing is mid-December, then Cuba in late De- for a range of op- has delivered
members from the UN mission when extensively damaged, and there was a cember and now written off in the DRC erational param- industry-leading
its left engine caught fire upon landing, fire on engine 1. in early January.” eters. rotorcraft solu-
said Mathias Gillman, acting spokesper- “Something else to keep in mind: This The SA department of defence head tions for decades.
son for the UN MONUSCO mission. is part of the inherent risk of flying into of communications Siphiwe Dlamini said HELMET DISPLAY Now partnered
“MONUSCO sent a rescue team that some locations. Goma’s runway is narrow a board of inquiry will be convened to & TRACKING with the Elbit
brought the fire under control and ev- and there’s almost no safe runoff area to investigate the “circumstances sur- SYSTEM (HDTS) Systems team,
eryone was safely evacuated,” Gillman either side. If something goes wrong on rounding the incident.” The HDTS config- we are poised to
told The Associated Press. landing there’s no space to recover and This is the first serious accident/incident uration supports bring a new level
The aircraft was returning from the any runway excursion wrecks the aircraft.” involving the South African Air Force’s both daytime and of customizable,
eastern Congo city of Beni, where it was Olivier said that his impression after C-130BZs in over 50 years of operations. Q nighttime opera- operator-focused
providing logistical support to the South seeing the aircraft is that it “might have tion, allowing the solutions to U.S.
African National Defence Force contin- to be written off.” Article courtesy: https://www. pilot to intuitively and Partner
gent deployed in the region. “It is regrettable our only serviceable maneuver the Nation aviation
aircraft into attack forces.” Q
World Airnews | February 2020 World Airnews | February 2020
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