Page 6 - World Airnews Magazine February 2020 Edition
P. 6

FLAREPATH                                                                                                                DEFENCE

                                                                                                                                                          BEIJING CELEBRATES

                                                                                                                                                          NEW YEAR WITH JF-17,

                                                                                                                                                          J-20 PROGRESS

                                                                                                                                                                                                              By Greg Waldron

                                                                                                                                                                                       the Saturn AL-31 that powers most examples.
                                                                                                                                                                                         The WS-10 - which also powers the Shenyang J-11B and
                                                                                                                                              he Block III version of the Chengdu/Paki-  Su-27 clone - features saw-toothed exhaust petals, where-
                                          A FUTURE AWAITS                                                                               Tstan Aeronautical Complex JF-17 fighter has   as the AL-31 has flush exhaust petals. Internet observers

                                                                                                                                                                                       believe that only four WS-10 powered J-20s have been
                                                                                                                                        conducted its maiden flight, and China appears to be
                                                                                                                                        making progress with indigenous engines for the J-20   produced.
                                                                                                                                        stealth fighter.                                 The definitive power plant for the J-20 is understood
                                                                                                                                          Social media accounts covering Chinese defence aero-  to be the more powerful Xian Aero Engine WS-15 Emei,
                                                                                 By Joan Chalmers                                       space developments were busy over the holidays, with   but the timeline for its integration and testing is
                                                                                                                                        two notable developments.                      not clear.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Coinciding with the JF-17 and J-20 news, AVIC’s Weibo

                                                             it was to be instrumental in starting something that was to become           On 27 December 2019 images emerged of the JF-17   account published the outline of a stealthy aircraft resem-

                                                             a much anticipated bi-annual event drawing participants from all           Block III taking flight from AVIC’s production centre in   bling the developmental FC-31, with a reference to the

               n exciting digital future for World Airnews is in the   over the world. The show was relaxed, security was not a problem.   Chengdu. One image showed the jet taking off before a

       Amaking                                               No-one was chased from the show at six o-clock. We stayed and              group of seated VIPs, with a banner celebrating the event   recent commissioning of Beijing’s second carrier, the CNS

                                                                                                                                                                                       Shandong. In Chinese, the caption states “brief introduc-
         As we put issue 12 volume 47 to bed, I look back at the progress   every evening had the most incredible international party. The lo-  hanging from a building.               tion to future ship borne fighter.”

        the print media has made. Some good some not so welcome by   cal brewery supplied us with barrels of beer and with a barbeque,    At the Paris air show last June, an official with the   The status of the J-31/FC-31 is unclear, but there has

        those employed in the industry who have lost their jobs to comput-  we enjoyed the company of the exhibitors, local and foreign.  programme said the first flight of the Block III would occur   been speculation that it will be developed as a carrier
        ers and the new digital world of print.               The little security we needed was supplied by the youngsters              before the end of 2019.                        -based fighter - there is similar speculation about the

         It seems incredible that we have moved from PMT’s (photo me-  from the defence force and nothing was ever reported as stolen or   Visually, it is hard to detect many differences be-  larger J-20. Chinese carriers currently operate the J-15,

        chanical transfer), letterset, angled screens for colour separation   being damaged.                                            tween earlier versions of the JF-17 and the new Block   a copy of the Sukhoi Su-33, but reports suggest that

        of copy, to a click of a mouse button. From negatives that had to be   Flight schools were numerous with Cessna and Piper both   III. One notable difference appears to be a consider-  the navy has suffered reliability and safety issues with

        touched up with opaque paint, areas covered with orange paper,   competing for students to attend their flight schools. Airplanes   ably larger heads-up display similar to that observed   the type. Q

        hands used in the darkroom to increase or decrease the light on   were unsophisticated - Vagabonds, and Trikes. Instruments were   on the J-20.

        certain pictures, to completed PDF’s to be emailed to printers. No   a turn and bank, an altimeter and a compass. And one needed a   In addition, there appear to be the addition of a radar   Article courtesy:

        longer does the print representative call to pick up negatives and   “how-goes-it” and a map. Pilots knew radio procedures, the theory   warning receivers aft of the aircraft intakes and on the tail.

        positives, or stay for a chat and a cup of coffee    of flight and had a hands-on approach, building up hours actually          At Paris, the programme official said a key structural dif-

         We are in the world of digital publishing and I am of the fifty   flying the plane. How often these days are accidents and incidents   ference with the Block III would be a larger intake. In early

        percent who prefer the old school. Those who like to read a book,   caused by computer problems where the pilot does not realize   images of the Block III, however, the intake appears similar
        feel the pages in their hands, and absorb the smell of the paper.   there is a problem until it is too late.                    to the Block I and II.

        Sometimes the pleasure of a magazine is reading it, putting it down   Some say that progress has been going on for too long, but when   Irrespective of appearances, the most profound change

        and then picking it up again later.                  one looks at the exciting digital market one realizes that there is        for the new version will be the addition of active electroni-

         I realize that progress in the magazine market is towards the   still so much more still to come. Magazines can now bring so much   cally scanned array (AESA) radar.

        digital publishing of magazines and we are looking seriously at all   more to their readers, by embedding a link into their copy, videos,   As of June 2019 the type of radar had yet to be decided,

        the different options – aiming at giving our advertisers the best we   the roll-out of the latest planes and many more exciting events   but it is understood that two were in contention name-

        can offer – at the click of a button.                Advertisers can have a count of how many looked at their advert            ly: the China Electronics Technology Group KLJ-7A and

         It’s not as though World Airnews will be totally converting to digi-  and for how long they stopped at the page. Their advertisements   an AESA from AVIC that it claimed is the first air-cooled

        tal magazine as we do already have our e-mag sent out via an email   have a direct link to their web pages.                     example.

        marketing programme throughout Africa and the rest of the world   What does this new digital era have in store for us? Pilotless   The Block III will also have new integrated
        every month. Our database has reached the 10 000 subscribers   planes, drones that deliver medicines into remote areas, newly de-  electronic warfare suite.
        and climbing monthly.                                signed engines to reduce co2 emissions and thus Global warming?              Separately, images emerged of a
         It’s free to read on our website and also by request. It contains   Keep up to date with all this by reading World Airnews. You can   pair of new J-20s apparently
        extra pages – usually about 20 with all the latest news that we   find us on your mobile, laptop and in print.                  powered by the Shenyang

        receive after our deadline. This digital version has been very well   From my agent and friend in the states, Ed Hirsh:         WS-10 Taihang engine,

        received as it provides advertisers with interactive opportunities   ‘YES! We are in Show Business!  Magazines were created by   as opposed to the

        not possible in a printed magazine.                  newspaper publishers when photography became prevalent. To                 upgraded
         If you would like to receive a free trial                             be able to show more pictures magazines                  version
        copy of the digital magazine, please send                              were created. And with digital printing,                 of

        me your name, address and email address                                there is no limit on the number of photo-
        and I will put you on the mailing list.                                graphs that can be used.

         I think back to Mr Landman our very first                              Yes, we are in Show Business! Our

        subscriber back in the seventies and to                                aviation magazine provides a good stage to

        those pensioners who receive their free                                show your product!
        copy of the print version every month.  Has                             Joan Chalmers
        progress really been kind to us?                                        Director

         World Airnews started the international

        airshow back in the seventies. How exciting                             World Airnews

                                                 World Airnews | February 2020                                                                                            World Airnews | February 2020
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